Not all historic buildings and sites are covered by national designation or located within the boundaries of a conservation area and there will be many others that make a positive contribution to Doncaster’s local character and sense of place because of their heritage value. They may be offered some level of recognition by identifying them on a formally adopted list of local heritage assets. A number of these have been identified through the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List project.

As well as these, we have Parks and Gardens of Local Historic Interest which were reviewed as part of the Local Plan. Further information can be found at Parks and Gardens of Local Historic Interest. The locations of the Parks and Gardens of Local Historic Interest can be viewed on the Heritage Map.

The South Yorkshire Local Heritage List

The South Yorkshire Local Heritage List is a register of heritage assets that contribute to the distinctiveness and history of South Yorkshire but are not protected by statutory national designations (Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks and Gardens).

The project asked members of the public in each local authority area to nominate heritage assets (which could be buildings, structures, parks and gardens, historic areas or areas with archaeological interest) to be added to a local heritage list. They were asked to support their nomination with information and photographs.

The nominated candidates were then assessed by a panel with heritage expertise against a set of common criteria (available to view below) and if sufficient of these were met they were then recommended to be added to the relevant local authority list.

South Yorkshire Local Heritage List Assessment Criteria
Download (180KB - PDF)

The Doncaster Local Heritage List

As a result of previous work, a total of 31 heritage assets within Doncaster were deemed to meet the selection criteria so worthy of inclusion on the Doncaster Local Heritage List. These have been subject to a consultation process and the outcome of the consultation is described in this consultation statement.

Local Heritage List - Consultation Summary Report
Download (311KB - PDF)

28 of the proposed local heritage assets met with no objection and since 7 August 2023 have been included on the initial Doncaster Local Heritage List. The other 3 were subsequently added on 28 March 2024 after further consideration. The 31 heritage assets identified for inclusion are shown in the list below and their locations can be found on the Heritage Map.

Please note all sites can be viewed/searched for via the map - alternatively direct links to each site are provided within the Assets list - just click on the Ref link

Doncaster Local Heritage List as of 28 March 2024
Download (158KB - PDF)

Further candidates to be potentially added to Doncaster Local Heritage List have also now been identified and will soon be subject to consultation to decide if these should be included on the list or not.

How to nominate a heritage asset for inclusion on the local list

This is just an initial list which can be added to as more candidates are put forward by the public and as more are assessed. A number have already been submitted and these can be found through the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List.

It is still possible to nominate new candidates for inclusion on the local list through the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List website. The South Yorkshire Local Heritage List contains all you need to know about the list, including what is eligible, the assessment criteria used to judge candidates and information on how to nominate new candidates for the list, as well as the Local Heritage List itself and upcoming candidates that are open for public comments or for additional information.

What does inclusion on a Local List mean?

Being included on the list ensures the significance of any building, place or site is taken into account in planning applications that could affect it or its setting. The Local Heritage List provides planners with an early warning system for valued heritage assets. Inclusion on the list means that these heritage assets become material considerations in any planning application made but local listing does not carry the same restrictions as national listing or scheduling.

Article 4 Directions

While inclusion on the list means that the special interest of the heritage asset is a material consideration in planning applications much can be done outside planning. This includes demolition of buildings and structures which often only requires notification and not planning permission.

We believe that Article 4 directions should be introduced to remove permitted development rights over demolition of these heritage assets so that planning permission would be needed for this. We would also consider removal of permitted development right over other alterations such as alterations to windows, render of brickwork, or loss of important details to the elevations where relevant.

Work is underway to identify potential permitted development rights which may need to be removed via Article 4 Directions, based on an asset by asset assessment.

Further Information

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the local list please contact:

Design and Conservation Officer (Planning Policy and Environment Team), Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU.

Last updated: 30 July 2024 07:25:28

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