International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
View planning applications
You can view details of applications being considered by the council on our planning website.
Want to apply for planning permission?
To view planning applications, follow the link below. By doing this you have agreed that you have read and understood the copyright and other limitations set out on this page.
Please ensure that you have read and understood the copyright and other limitations prior to using Planning Applications Online.
Please note: Any information published on Planning Applications Online should not used for any commercial or business purposes including, but not limited to, trading, building commercial databases, reselling or redistribution of such information.
What can you do on the site?
The site lets you:
- check the progress of planning/building regulation/appeal cases and enforcement notices
- save searches or track the progress of applications and be notified by email
- see weekly or monthly lists of applications received or decisions made within the system
- submit comments about an application being considered
- view planning documents for valid applications after 1 Sept 2009
User guides
Guidance on how to get the most from Planning Applications Online is available by downloading the following guide:
- Public Access User Guide - Updated July 2021
- Download (863KB - PDF)
Terms of use
We do not guarantee that public access will be available at all times due to system maintenance and support restrictions. This page will be updated as appropriate to advise users of scheduled downtime, we regret that, due to situations beyond our control, unscheduled downtime may occur.
Due to maintenance activities, it is expected that the Public Access service will not be available between the hours of:
- 11pm and 02:30am every day
Planning decision notices
Decision notices and documents relating to applications between 1974-2004 can be viewed at City of Doncaster Archives which is located on Chequer Road near Waterdale. You will need to book an appointment using the link provided below, please note access to the site is not permitted without prior booking.
City of Doncaster Archives
All decision notices issued from 2005 are available by using the associated documents facility within Planning Applications Online/Public access.
Planning application information submitted to the Council is protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes, and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
Please note that by using Public Access you are agreeing to Doncaster Council's Disclaimer which is available at the bottom footer of this page.
- the service continues to be developed, at the present time no constraint information is available online, and planning histories are available from 1 January 2002
- information contained within the site should not be relied upon in connection with a property transaction
- anyone wishing to obtain planning information for this purpose is advised to carry out a local land charges search through the council's Local Land Charges Section, (charges apply)
- no responsibility will be taken for any errors or omissions in the planning history information obtained from Planning Applications Online/Public Access. Similarly the information contained within Planning Applications Online/Public Access does not constitute in any way a formal notification of a planning decision, and as such any actions taken as a result of information displayed on the site are undertaken entirely at the viewer's own risk
- under normal circumstances, the new planning application information will be available for viewing within two working days of receipt of a valid application
- all plans and documents accompanying planning applications submitted from 1st September 2009 can be viewed via Planning Applications Online/Public Access
- Doncaster Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain planning application information for confidentiality or other reasons
Enforcement notice information will be available for any notices served from the 1st February 2012 onwards. Information prior to this date can be obtained from our:
Technical issues
There are issues whereby some documents published via Associated Documents appear blank. This is an issue with Google Chrome compatibility. If this occurs, please view the documents via Internet Explorer.
Neighbourhood Plan
A copy of Neighbourhood plans submitted to the council are available via:
More Information
Privacy Notice
The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand the Planning Services privacy notice, which sets out what you need to know about how Doncaster Council will use your information in the course of our work as a Local Planning Authority.
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