International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Scheduled monuments
The Borough of Doncaster contains a rich archaeological and historical heritage reflecting its long history of settlement. In some cases the historic town centres have been continuously occupied since the Roman Period and are a major archaeological resource whilst evidence is growing of the extensive early settlement in the rural areas of the Borough.
The Borough also contains nationally important industrial archaeological sites. The richness of Doncaster's archaeology is reflected in the 51 Scheduled Monuments in Doncaster which can be viewed below:
- List of Scheduled Monuments
- Download (11KB)
To view the locations of Doncaster's scheduled monuments, please see the Heritage Map.
A scheduled monument is a nationally important site or monument which is legally protected through the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. The word 'monument' covers the whole range of archaeological sites. Scheduled monuments are not always ancient, or visible above ground. Scheduling is the only legal protection specifically for archaeological sites. Historic England is the lead organisation in identifying sites which should be scheduled.
Information on individual scheduled monuments can be obtained from Historic England's webpage Pastscape.
As well as nationally recognised monuments there are numerous other archaeological sites which are recorded in the South Yorkshire Sites and Monument Record (SMR) held by South Yorkshire Archaeology Service who you can contact if you wish to find out further information or advice about the archaeology of South Yorkshire.
The impact that may be caused to archaeology, either to an archaeological asset itself and/or to its setting, will be a material consideration when considering planning applications and Archaeological Excavations and Surveys may be required. In addition Scheduled Monument Consent will be needed if any proposal directly affects the fabric of a scheduled monument.
- tel: 01302 734922 or 735199
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