Article 4 Direction - Local Heritage List

There are currently 31 sites on the Doncaster Local Heritage List, these cover a range of buildings and structures in Doncaster.

Being on the Local Heritage List ensures some protection via the planning process, but these are not protected in the same ways as nationally listed buildings. Local Heritage Assets are also not protected from permitted development rights which are enshrined in the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO).

There are a number of permitted development rights which could, if used, be harmful to Local Heritage Assets. These include demolition as well as means by which the building can be visually altered – such as exterior painting and alterations to roofs, windows, doors and so on. Certain permitted development rights can be removed using an Article 4 Direction. This would mean that works which would otherwise be permitted, would require a planning application and planning permission to be granted in order to be undertaken.

Work is underway to identify potential permitted development rights which may need to be removed via Article 4 Directions, based on an asset by asset assessment. More information will be available in due course.

Article 4 Direction – Former Balby Board School

In April 2024 the Council sought views from landowners and the general public on a proposal to make an Article 4 Direction in relation to the former Balby Board School.

On 22 July 2024, the City of Doncaster Council made an immediate Article 4 Direction which removes permitted development rights for the demolition of the former Balby Board School.

The Article 4 Direction is made under Article 4 (1) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). In this case, it has the effect of removing Permitted Development Rights relating to the demolition of buildings under Class B Part 11 of Schedule 2 to the General Permitted Development Order, in the area specified on the map below.

The Direction will expire six months after it comes into force unless the Council confirms it before this date. In order to consider whether the Direction ought to be confirmed, you are invited to make representations to the Council. Any representations you make will be taken into account when deciding whether to confirm the Direction.

Balby Board School - Notice of the Direction
Download (23KB - PDF)
Article 4 Boundary - Balby Board School Map
Download (129KB - PDF)
Balby Board School Article 4 Direction Order
Download (798KB - PDF)

The area covered by this can be viewed on the Article 4 Interactive MapNote - this map also shows the extents of any other Article 4 Directions which apply in Doncaster.

A copy of the Article 4 Direction and Plan can also be viewed in the Council’s Civic Offices at the address below, between 8:30am and 5pm Monday – Friday until the 14 August 2024.

Please make any representations you wish the Council to consider in writing and return them by post or email to the following addresses before the end of 14 August 2024:

Planning Policy and Environment Team, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU


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Last updated: 23 July 2024 19:49:44

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