International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: safety
Social Housing Regulation 2024 saw the implementation of a new consumer-focused regime to ensure the voice of residents is heard and to rebalance the relationship between tenant and Registered Social Landlords. A key element of this is that landlords need to demonstrate that tenants have been involved at every level of decision-making.
Community Safety Community Safety Team work to improve communities across Doncaster. The team works alongside the Police, Fire Authority, Probation Service, NHS, and voluntary sector as part of the Safer Stronger Doncaster Partnership.
Training in First Aid, Food Safety & Health & Safety topics list of all the training courses that Doncaster Corporate Health & Safety Training Team provide for members of the public. Course dates below:
Staying safe in the sun public health messages on staying safe in the sun
Alley gates gates are large gates installed in residential and commercial areas to restrict access to alleys and the rear of properties in order to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
Metro Clean - health and safety and safety features high on our list of priorities as a service.
Mud on Road Guidance guidance notes refer to instances where an owner/occupier or contractor of land or property adjacent to a highway deposits soil, mud or other debris upon a highway. The definition of a public highway includes footways, footpaths and adjacent verges, bridleways as well as the road itself whether adopted or not.
Highway Maintenance Policies and Strategies of Doncaster Council highways maintenance policies and strategies.
The Safer Stronger Doncaster Partnership is the Safer Stronger Doncaster Partnership?
Fire safety in houses in multiple occupation in multiple occupation are those which are shared by three or more unrelated persons. Historically fires in HMOs have been more prevalent than in single homes. Larger HMOs will required a licence from the Council, however different laws apply to all HMOs in relation to fire safety. A higher standard of fire precaution and protection is required in houses of multiple occupation compared to that of a single occupied dwelling. The exact measures depend on the property size, layout and type of letting.