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Metro Clean - health and safety
Health and safety features high on our list of priorities as a service.
We are fully compliant with all Health & Safety regulations, and ensure that all new staff understand and are aware of their responsibility to themselves and those people around them.
We work closely with the Human Resources and Health and Safety departments in the City of Doncaster Council, and provide continuous training in all matters relating to health and safety.
Our commitment is such that each site carries a copy of our Health & Safety Manual. This manual was recently re-written by one of our own experienced staff members, and is designed to provide a simple to understand format that clearly shows the health and safety risks associated with all cleaning activities.
The Management Team are constantly appraising our equipment and supplies to ensure they meet our needs.
Metro Clean operate a continuous review and replacement policy of equipment and suppliers to make sure our staff are using safe, modern, equipment and chemicals.
Metro Clean encourage chemical free cleaning to help the environment.
Health and safety includes:
- COSHH data
- risk assessments
- task descriptions
- health and safety executive details
- relevant health and safety acts
- emergency procedures
- cleaners handbook
- site information
- fire assembly points
- safety recommendations
- safe working practices
More information:
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