Content tagged with: planning
Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document public consultation the Council has now adopted a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Biodiversity Net Gain. This SPD provides further guidance for developers, applicants and ecological consultants on how planning applications can satisfy the requirement for delivering Biodiversity Net Gain within Doncaster.
Building Control Application Forms see below for all Building Control Application forms. See also below Guidance for Duty Holders - building regulations update - 2023
Conservation areas in Doncaster conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance. Under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the Council has a duty to consider the designation of conservation areas.
Biological Data Search Local Records Centre (DLRC) can provide data on statutory and non-statutory designated sites, habitats and species within the Doncaster Borough boundary.
Street naming and numbering Control is responsible for the allocation of postal addresses across the borough.
Assets of Community Value Community Right to Bid came into force in September 2012 and allows you to nominate land and buildings to be listed as Assets of Community Value.
Building regulations Regulations are legal requirements aimed at achieving adequate standards for the construction of domestic, commercial and industrial buildings.
Demolition of buildings wishing to demolish a building must give notice to the Local Authority under Section 80 of The Building Act 1984.
Design and conservation Design and Conservation Team (which is part of the Planning Policy and Built Environment Team) is responsible for the provision of detailed design and conservation advice on:
Planning Policy Background Documents - Climate Change and Energy are a number of background studies and evidence base documents that have informed the Local Plan. Many of these are still relevant so are available to view and download below.