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Local Nature Recovery Strategy
South Yorkshire is starting to prepare a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (a new requirement of the Environment Act 2021).
Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS)
The City of Doncaster Council is a ‘Supporting Authority’ to the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) which the Government has decided should be the ‘Responsible Authority’ for preparing South Yorkshire’s LNRS.
This will build upon what we know and value of Doncaster’s rich biodiversity as set out in Doncaster’s Local Biodiversity Action Plan and make ambitious contributions to UK targets through new ways of working. Through the LNRS, Doncaster’s nature recovery actions will link with others to form England’s Nature Recovery Network (please note this will open a short You Tube video). Government guidance sets out how the LNRS should be prepared.
Here’s how you can find out more and get involved:
- Join our community of nature recorders to help us expand our knowledge of local biodiversity and how it’s doing. You don’t need to be an expert to get involved.
- If nature is your passion, consider joining Doncaster Natural History Society. The Society was founded in 1880 and organises a winter and summer programme of activities for members and casual visitors alike.
- If you’re a Doncaster landowner/manager interested in finding out more about delivering nature recovery, please get in touch
- Visit the Your Life Doncaster website to see what’s happening locally. Watch out for more information on how to get involved with the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
- Tell us what you’re doing for biodiversity – inspire and share successes. Use #climatedoncaster
The Council must take the Local Nature Recovery Strategy into account when considering its biodiversity duty.
- email:
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