Removal of Article 4 Direction – Doncaster Sheffield Airport

The City of Doncaster Council are proposing to remove the Article 4 Direction at Doncaster Sheffield Airport, which removed the permitted development right to demolish buildings.

An Article 4 Direction was made under Article 4(1) of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) (“the GPDO”) in 2023. Paragraph 1(13) of Schedule 3 of the GPDO allows for the cancellation of an Article 4 Direction. 

The City of Doncaster Council are now proposing to remove this Article 4 Direction, following the signing of the lease for the airport by the Council. Should this be removed, the permitted development right to demolish buildings at the airport (Class B Part 11 of Schedule 2 to the GPDO) would be re-instated, and permitted development rights would apply again.  

Following the signing of the airport lease by the Council in March 2024, it is felt that there is no longer a risk that buildings at the airport are under threat of demolition or development for an alternate use. As such, the Article 4 Direction has served its purpose, and its continuation is considered unnecessary as the airport prepares to re-open. The removal of an Article 4 Direction is in line with national policy and guidance.

The Council are welcoming any comments on the proposal to remove the Article 4 Direction. Please make any representations you wish the Council to consider in writing and return them by post or email to the following addresses on or before 31st May 2024:  

Planning Policy and Environment Team

Civic Office,  



DN1 3BU  

Any comments will be taken into consideration when deciding whether to remove the Article 4 Direction. Information related to the Article 4 Direction can be viewed in at the Council’s Civic Office between 8:30am and 5pm Monday – Friday.

Article 4 Direction - Doncaster Sheffield Airport

In April 2023 the Council sought views from landowners and the general public on a proposal to make an Article 4 Direction in relation to Doncaster Sheffield Airport.

On 1 June 2023, the City of Doncaster Council made an immediate Article 4 Direction which removes permitted development rights for the demolition of buildings within the operational area of Doncaster Sheffield Airport and shown on the map below. This came into effect on 5 June 2023.

The Article 4 Direction is made under Article 4 (1) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). In this case, it has the effect of removing Permitted Development Rights relating to the demolition of buildings under Class B Part 11 of Schedule 2 to the General Permitted Development Order, in the area specified on the map below.

The Council had 6 months to confirm this order, otherwise it would expire. In order to consider whether the Direction ought to be confirmed, we invited representations. Following this, and taking into account representations made through this process, the Article 4 Direction was confirmed on 29 September 2023.

This direction removes permitted development rights for any building operation consisting of the demolition of a building being development comprised within Class B of Part 11 of Schedule 2 to the General Permitted Development Order at Doncaster Sheffield Airport. The demolition of any building at the airport will now require planning permission.

DSA - Confirmed Article 4 Direction
Download (1.6MB - PDF)

The area covered by this can be viewed on the Article 4 Interactive Map. Note - this map also shows the extents of any other Article 4 Directions which apply in Doncaster.

A copy of the Article 4 Direction and Plan, together with the Cabinet Report and justification paper can be viewed in the Council’s Civic Office, between 8:30am and 5pm Monday – Friday.

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Last updated: 23 July 2024 16:24:52

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