Content tagged with: housing
Monitoring Archive for previous monitoring documents since 1 April 2015 (base date of the Local Plan).
Local Plan’s Local Plan sets out how Doncaster Borough will grow and develop from 2015 to 2035. It identifies where and how new jobs, homes and services will be located; its policies guide investment and development, encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth, protect the environment and promote social inclusion.
Harassment & Illegal Eviction are protected from illegal eviction and harassment by the Protection from Eviction Act (1977). It's vitally important that you feel safe and secure in your home and you should not tolerate threats or harassment from your landlord. There are clear legal processes to follow if your landlord wishes to end your tenancy. If they fail to follow these steps they may be acting illegally and the Housing Enforcement team can intervene.
Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register Council has set up a register for people who are interested in a self-build or custom-build home in the Doncaster area.
Renting a home in Doncaster to find a home to rent in the Doncaster borough, and how to rent out a property if you're a landlord.
Private Renting in Doncaster - landlord and tenant advice for landlords and tenants about the effective and safe management of private rented accommodation. Our aim is to raise awareness and improve standards through a process of Education, Empowerment & Enforcement. Areas we cover include houses in multiple occupation (HMOs),houses rented by single households, park homes & caravan sites. You can find information covering landlord and tenant responsibilities including repairs, fire safety, electrical safety, energy efficiency & damp and mould hazards.
Caravan/park home sites, camping sites and houseboats for people who live in, or who are considering living in, a caravan, houseboat or on a camp site.
Service Area: Housing out about affordable housing, applying for housing in a council house or housing association property, home alarm service, renting a house, home improvements, energy saving advice and grants.
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Housing Adaptations adaptations help you to stay mobile in and around your home.
What is Local Housing Allowance Housing Allowance (LHA) applies to most tenants who rent their home from a private landlord.