News: Help Design Doncaster’s Future Homes of Doncaster Council wants the input of residents to help shape and design new housing developments for Doncaster.
City of Doncaster Council Strategic Housing team provide high quality affordable homes for rent, which meet the needs of Doncaster’s local communities. Our recent new homes built for rent across the borough, feature modern heating systems, insulation, Solar PV and EV chargers.
In Doncaster, we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy and society they serve or have served with their lives. This page provides Information about the support and services available for the Doncaster Armed Forces Community.
City of Doncaster Council wants the input of residents to help shape and design new housing developments for Doncaster.
Complaints about damp and mouldy properties are common especially during the winter months when condensation is more likely to occur. Disputes between landlords and tenants concerning who should take action to remedy a damp and/ or condensation problem are also not unusual owing to the complex range of factors that can lead to the problem occurring. This page will provide you with helpful information about what can be done to alleviate damp and mould problems and what we can do to assist.
The Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP) is an England wide £20 million funding programme available from 2022-2025. The City of Doncaster Council was successful with its bid for funding and began operation of SHIP in mid-2023. SHIP focuses on three main areas of Supported Housing; Housing Benefits, Housing Standards and Support Review. The project aims to ensure supported housing provides safe and appropriate accommodation, delivers positive outcomes and provides value for money for the taxpayer.
The ECO4 scheme will focus on supporting low income and vulnerable households. The scheme will improve the least energy efficient homes helping to meet the Government’s fuel poverty and net zero commitments. The flexible approach for Local Authorities (LAs) to identifying fuel poor and vulnerable households who may benefit from heating and energy saving measures is referred to as “ECO4 Flex”.
There are a number of background studies and evidence base documents that have informed the Local Plan. Many of these are still relevant so are available to view and download below.
Various reports are produced to monitor the implementation of the council's Planning Policies.
Doncaster wants to ensure its residents live in homes that support good health and wellbeing. Providing the right homes and support is vital in enabling vulnerable people to live independently in the community; ensuring they have choice and control of where and how they live.
Archive for previous monitoring documents since 1 April 2015 (base date of the Local Plan).