International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Doncaster Housing Strategy
Our homes have a powerful influence on our health and wellbeing. This has become even more apparent during 2020, when many of us spent much more time in our own homes than we normally would expect to and many of our residents were still dealing with the aftermath of the devastating floods in November 2019.
Doncaster Housing Strategy Update 2020-2025
Access to good housing for everyone is one of the most effective ways of improving health and wellbeing. We need homes that meet our needs, now and as we get older. We want the people of Doncaster to have homes that are safe, secure and warm.
A mid-term review of the Housing Strategy agreed in 2015, has allowed us to:
• Assess the progress made
• Take account of the changes and issues that have come to prominence since 2015
• Refocus our efforts and resources to 2025
The updated Housing Strategy 2020-2025 has an initial focus on the delivery of more affordable homes and working to prevent as many people as possible from becoming homeless.
In the longer term, we need homes to become more energy efficient: we can tailor the homes we build now to the standards of tomorrow, and help people with older homes update insulation and heating methods. A major Housing Retrofit Programme will support the people of Doncaster to do this, but we will all need to play our part.
Councils working alone cannot meet the challenges we face from climate change and an ageing population. By working with our residents, community organisations and other partners, we can help the people of Doncaster to protect their independence and wellbeing.
- Executive Summary - Doncaster Housing Strategy Update 2020 to 2025
- Download (300KB - PDF)
- Doncaster Housing Strategy Update 2020 to 2025
- Download (2.26MB - PDF)
- Allocations Policy
- Download (2.97MB - PDF)
- Tenancy Strategy
- Download (931KB - PDF)
Evidence base
The Housing Strategy has used evidence from the latest Housing Need Study, which provides an analysis of the social, economic, housing and demographic situation across Doncaster.
Doncaster Housing Needs Study 2019
Doncaster Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Follow the link below for details of our strategy.
Doncaster Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019-2024
Some other useful information and plans
Useful information and websites | Associated strategies and plans |
Housing Associations and Affordable Homes | Local Plan |
St Leger Homes | Environmental Planning |
Home Options and Homelessness Advice | Doncaster Inclusive Growth Strategy |
Private Sector Housing | Corporate Plan |
Social Housing Regulation - CDC | Social Housing Regulation - Gov.UK |
For further information, please contact:
- Address: Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Downloads & Resources
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