Funding and Needs Descriptors
This page outlines the system in Doncaster for accessing High Needs Funding.
On this page, you can find:
High Needs Funding for Autumn 2024
The closing date for submissions was Thursday 20th June 2024 at 5:00pm. Any requests submitted after this date will not be considered at panel.
Any enquiries should be sent to the new email address and if there are any immediate queries please mark your email as urgent with the subject line URGENT HNF Query.
Following panel, when will I receive the outcome of this?
Panel outcomes will be processed and communicated following the panel. You will not receive this outcome on the same week as the panel has been held. Funding, where agreed, will be agreed until the end of the Autumn term 24.
How do I appeal the outcome?
Following the panel if you do not agree with the outcome, you can email the inbox and a member of staff will respond to your query accordingly.
Is this the last High needs funding panel?
The Local Authority is in the process of rolling out a new way of funding high needs pupils through devolving this to local areas. This will ensure that the processes are more responsive to local needs and simpler to access. We recognise in light of the pressures facing all schools in meeting the needs of children and while the new system is still to be rolled out that we were at risk of not meeting our previous commitment to ensure that schools were not disadvantaged. We will therefore continue to offer High Needs Funding in the interim. The processes around decision making used in the last rounds of funding will continue and we have asked for representation from Head Teachers and/or SENDCOs to support that process – thank you to all those who have already volunteered to support.
How do I know if my case has been added to the panel?
We will acknowledge receipt of the requests by way of an automated email and will send confirmation emails to the original message(s) once requests have been added to the agenda.
- High Needs Panel - New Request
- Download (41KB - DOCX)
- High Needs Panel - Continuation Request
- Download (41KB - DOCX)
High Needs Funding
Groups of professionals in Doncaster have worked on a new set of processes for improving how we meet needs locally. As part of this work we have developed a new approach to support mainstream schools with additional funding for higher levels of SEND needs. This new approach features groups of schools working together to support each other with decision making and identifying correct interventions for learners. This local decision making will support the increasing autonomy of schools to work together to meet needs and to allow decision making that is fair and consistent.
Following the agreement of this new process through the Schools Forum consultation in May 2024, we will now implement this new approach. We have piloted the approaches and materials during the Summer term of 2024.
What is High Needs Funding?
The Local High Needs Funding (LHNF) system is to support children and young people (CYP) with emerging high needs in mainstream schools at the earliest possible opportunity. This has been designed collaboratively by the Local Authority, schools and parents working together. The success of this system will rely on all parties continuing to work to this principle in our communications with each other and with families.
- LHNF is top-up funding to support the cost of provision within a mainstream school which exceeds the first £6000 allocated from within the school’s Notional SEN Budget. This is to fund interventions and provision which go beyond that which is ordinarily available (including High Quality Teaching and reasonable adjustments).
Pyramids will be provided with data which outlines how high needs funds are spent on children and young people who live within the pyramid. This will include funding information on funding to mainstream schools through EHCPs, Special School and Independent Special School placements.
How is High needs funding allocated?
- Decision making will take place on a pyramid basis at Pyramid Funding Panels. Professionals felt that it would be useful to build on existing relationships which have formed through Pyramid Planning Meetings and help build collective responsibility for meeting children and young peoples needs in their local area.
- Funding will be devolved to pyramids on the basis of having sufficient funds to cover existing Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) costs (noting that these may change in either direction) with additional amounts devolved on the basis of anticipated needs of current SEND K pupils, based on how this increased demand presented within the pilot panels, as schools applied The Needs Descriptors.
What will panels make decisions on?
- Panels will make decisions on funding for all new EHCPs and SEND K pupils for F2- Age 16
- Funding for current EHCPs will be reviewed as part of the Annual Review process.
What are the aims of the new system?
- Moving the focus away from statutory assessment where it may not be required to ensure those with highest level of need, receive the highest level of support.
- To ensure that funding is allocated to an evidenced and moderated level of need using The Needs Descriptors
Needs Descriptors
There are five levels of need identified in The Needs Descriptors which align with The Graduated Approach:
➢ Universal
➢ Universal Plus
➢ Targeted
➢ Targeted Plus
➢ Specialist
- Universal, Universal Plus and Targeted are resourced through the school or setting’s allocated funding.
- For CYP whose needs are identified at Targeted + or Specialist level, additional funds may be allocated if it is agreed that the provision required to meet their needs exceeds the full notional spend.
- Where references are made within the descriptors to support, this does not assume additional adult support.
- Complete set Needs Descriptors 25.07.24
- Download (657KB - DOCX)
Pyramid Funding Panel Information
Eligibility Criteria
CYP attends a mainstream Doncaster school
Full notional spend has been utilised
The CYP's level of need aligns with Targeted + or Specialist Level
- Graduated Approach followed with at least 2 cycles of Assess, Plan, Do, Review at a Targeted Level (or 1 cycle at targeted level for exceptions)
Applications MUST show evidence of:
- Effective High Quality Teaching and Reasonable Adjustments
- Accurate use of The Needs Descriptors with level of need correctly identified
- Evidence of appropriate external professional involvement and impact
- Success criteria and outcomes closely matched to identified needs
- Appropriate and clearly costed plan for additional mainstream provision
- List of pupils to go to Panel V1.1
- Download (22KB - XLSX)
Terms of Reference
- Pyramid Funding Panel Terms of Reference V1-1
- Download (230KB - PDF)
Guidance Document
- Pyramid Funding Panel Guidance V1.3
- Download (607KB - PDF)
Frequently Asked Questions
- Pyramid Funding Panel FAQs V1.1
- Download (381KB - PDF)
- Twilight Funding Training November 2024
- Download (747KB - PPTX)
Admin relating to Pyramid Funding Panels should be sent to:
Funding Applications
What should I include?
1. Fully completed funding application form
Please note: Formulas have been updated to support Excel 2016 due to reported issues. As a result some cells will show 'FALSE' until a value is selected.
Formula to complete column P of Provision Map: (Hourly rate of staff member/60minutes) x number of minutes in Column K. Then divide this cost by the number of children in the group identified in column H.
- Funding Application Form V1.3-1
- Download (71KB - XLSX)
- GROUP Funding Application Form V1.3-1
- Download (64KB - XLSX)
2. A current and recently updated SEND Support Plan and EHCP if applicable
Application packs should be sent through the Perspective Portal.
DEADLINE: 13th December 2024
- Funding Training Updated 12.11.24
- Download (2.1MB - PPTX)
Perspective Set Up
If you don’t already have access to this system, then please speak to you Headteacher to gain access. Below is an outline of what is needed from the Headteacher:
All user accounts in a school are managed by the headteacher, so your head will need to set up your account and assign permissions.
They can do this on the Settings ⚙ menu at the top right, under Manage Users.
They will need to set your permissions to:
- LA/Org documents: Action
It will be useful then to add your role as SENDCO, to ensure you get notified when files are uploaded.
For further information on Perspective, please see The Guidance Document.
Please note: these examples are not based on actual children or provision. They are to demonstrate types of information that should be included. As such there may be some missing information or inconsistencies.
- Funding Application Form EXAMPLE 1 V1.2 Updated 28.11.24
- Download (74KB - XLSX)
- SEND Support Plan EXAMPLE 1 V3
- Download (1.4MB - DOCX)
- Funding Application Form EXAMPLE 2 V1 Updated 9.10.24
- Download (68KB - XLSX)
- SEND Support Plan EXAMPLE 2
- Download (637KB - DOCX)
- Funding Panel Agenda and Decision Record Form EXAMPLE V1.2
- Download (47KB - XLSX)
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