Content tagged with: support
Specialist and Supported Housing wants to ensure its residents live in homes that support good health and wellbeing. Providing the right homes and support is vital in enabling vulnerable people to live independently in the community; ensuring they have choice and control of where and how they live.
Domestic abuse - Support for victims for victims of domestic abuse, children and young people, people who are abusive and information to help those you are worried about.
Homecare STEPS team Short Term Enablement Programme (STEPS) provides short term care and support to vulnerable adults living in the community.
Local Assistance Scheme Local Assistance Scheme is designed to help the most vulnerable residents in meeting an immediate short-term need or maintaining their independence in the community.
Refer someone for support out more about how to make a referral for a victim of domestic abuse so that they can access specialist support.
Domestic abuse - Information for professionals you are a professional who needs to know more about domestic abuse, this is the page for you.
About Resilience and Emergency Planning Resilience and Emergency Planning Team prepare resilience and emergency planning arrangements for City of Doncaster Council and the residents of Doncaster.
Household Support Fund Government has provided further Household Support Funding to Local Authorities to be allocated during the period 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025 to support those households most in need with essentials such as food and household energy bills.
Support for women you are experiencing abuse from a partner, ex-partner or family abuse this is domestic abuse and help is available for you.
Local Offer - Support for all Learners page explains how children and young people are supported in their education settings.