Content tagged with: roadworks
Current roadworks, planned roadworks and road closures of current roadworks, planned roadworks, traffic restrictions and road closures in and around Doncaster.
Department for Transport - additional funding funding provided by the Department for Transport.
Road safety follow the links below for details of:
Licence for Streetworks (Section 50 licence) person or organisation wishing to excavate in the public highway not being a statutory undertaker must obtain a licence under Section 50 of the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991
Highway Network Management part of the traffic manager service, highway network management looks after the day-to-day use of the highway from the coordination of street works to providing information relating to property searches.
Report it: Road congestion report traffic congestion.
Service Area: Transport, streets & parking out how to apply for or renew a parking permit, report a faulty street light, report pot holes, get information about the blue badge scheme, current roadworks, highway licensing, taxi licensing, parking, road safety and traffic management.
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A18 Thorne Road Improvement Scheme (West Moor Link) A18 Thorne Road Scheme is a major road improvement scheme, which will benefit people travelling from the east of the borough towards Doncaster town centre.