International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: primary schools
Doncaster Junior Civic Mayor Junior Civic Mayor is a child in year 5 that attends a local primary school in Doncaster.
Admission Arrangements and Policies Documentation for admission arrangements for 2025/26 and 2026/27
Primary admissions to apply for a primary school place.
Apply for it: Primary School Application Form apply for a place in an Infant, Junior or Primary School.
Find childcare and schools to date details of all Ofsted registered childcare and schools in Doncaster to help you find the best childcare setting or school for you, including contact details, opening hours and services provided.
Doncaster Primary Ambassadors Primary Ambassadors are children in year 5 in local primary schools who are not just role models for their schools but for children across Doncaster. Their role is to champion children's voice and work on issues important to children in Doncaster. They attend meetings, high profile events and work on campaigns set out by our Junior Make Your Mark Campaign. They are selected through the Junior Civic Mayor process and the 10 shortlisted for the role have the chance to be a Primary Ambassador!