Content tagged with: health
Local Offer - Health and Social Care section provides information about the health and social care professionals and services that support children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
Local Offer - Sensory Needs term 'sensory needs' covers a range of needs including hearing impairments (HI), visual impairments (VI) and multi-sensory impairments (MSI).
Local Offer - Physical Needs needs or disabilities can vary and something that may affect one child with physical needs may not affect another.
Local Authority Flexible Eligibility Statement Of Intent ECO4 scheme will focus on supporting low income and vulnerable households. The scheme will improve the least energy efficient homes helping to meet the Government’s fuel poverty and net zero commitments. The flexible approach for Local Authorities (LAs) to identifying fuel poor and vulnerable households who may benefit from heating and energy saving measures is referred to as “ECO4 Flex”.
NHS Health Check about the NHS Health Check service.
Supporting your child's mental health webpage is for parents/carers of younger children (aged 3-11 years) who may like some information, advice or guidance around supporting their child with their mental health.
Doncaster’s Health and Wellbeing Board board aims to improve the health and wellbeing for the residents of Doncaster and reduce inequalities in health outcomes.
Caldicott Guardian Caldicott Guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of people's health and care information and making sure it is used properly.
We Support Our Mums Support Our Mums is a local scheme that supports mums to breastfeed out and about in Doncaster.
Summer Health the summer months, warmer weather can affect your health in many ways. This page contains information and advice for staying healthy this summer.