Content tagged with: childcare
Families Information Service (FIS) and Childcare Information Service provides information, advice and guidance for parents, carers, practitioners, children and young people on a wide range of services and activities/events available in Doncaster and beyond.
Early Education and Childcare Families Information Service (FIS) is the best place to get information about registered childcare providers in the area. We hold up to date lists of Ofsted registered childminders, nurseries, out-of-school and holiday clubs. We can also provide information about unregistered childcare, such as nannies or parent-and-toddler groups.
Local Offer - Early Years section of the Local Offer provides information about the support available to you and your child during their early years. The term “early years” covers the early years from birth to five years old.
Funded Provider Information and guidance on early years entitlement for funded providers, including the parental declaration form.
Policies, Procedures and Guidance for Childcare Professionals to support practitioners through the creation and implementation of policies and procedures including downloadable templates.
15 or 30 hours funded childcare and Tax-Free Childcare for working parents parents may be eligible to access up to 30 hours funded childcare per week during term-time.
Funded childcare places for eligible 2 year olds entitlement to childcare is a government scheme, which allows some 2-year-olds to attend education or childcare settings in Doncaster. Children can attend a setting for a maximum of 15 hours over 38 weeks. That’s a total of 570 hours per year in which your child could be having fun, learning and making friends. Find out more below...don't miss out!
Securing sufficient childcare page is about Childcare Sufficiency in Doncaster.
Nurseries in Doncaster list of private nurseries in Doncaster.
Local Offer - Early Years - Childcare and Early Education early years providers are required to have arrangements in place to identify and support children with SEN or disabilities and to promote equality of opportunity. These requirements are set out in the EYFS framework.