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Funded childcare places for eligible 2 year olds
Funded entitlement to childcare is a government scheme, which allows some 2-year-olds to attend education or childcare settings in Doncaster. Children can attend a setting for a maximum of 15 hours over 38 weeks. That’s a total of 570 hours per year in which your child could be having fun, learning and making friends. Find out more below...don't miss out!
15 Hours Funding for Working Families
Working parents of eligible 2-year-olds can apply now to receive 15 hours funded childcare next term.
Some families may qualify for the new working families funding and the older style 2-year-old funding as described on this page. If you meet the eligibility criteria below, we encourage you to apply for this funding through the local authority application above.
How will I know if I am eligible to receive 15 hours funded childcare for my two year old?
Your 2-year-old can get free childcare if you live in England and get one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Universal Credit, and your household income is £15,400 a year or less after tax, not including benefit payments
- Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit (or both), and your household income is £16,190 a year or less before tax
- the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- the Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
2-year-olds can also get free childcare if they:
- are looked after by a local authority
- have an education, health and care (EHC) plan
- get Disability Living Allowance
- have left care under an adoption order, special guardianship order or a child arrangements order
If you’re a non-EEA citizen who cannot claim benefits
If your immigration status says you have ‘no recourse to public funds’, you may still get funded childcare for your 2-year-old if you have less than £16,000 in savings or investments and your household income is no more than:
- £26,500 for families with one child
- £30,600 for families with two or more children
If you have NRPF, please complete the below application form instead.
- 2YO Application Form - NRPF
- Download (72KB - DOCX)
To support your application, we require:
- evidence proof of yours and your partner’s (if you have one) NRPF status in the form of:
- a share code to allow us to check your immigration status digitally
- evidence of your income and savings in the form of:
- three months’ worth of bank statements for yourself and your partner.
Your application form and evidence of NRPF status, income and savings must be returned to:
When should I apply to see if my child is eligible?
If your child's 2nd birthday is on or between: | Earliest date you can see if your eligible from: |
1 January - 31 March | beginning of January |
1 April - 31 August | beginning of April |
1 September - 31 December | beginning of September |
Please do not make an application prior to the earliest date shown above.
When can my child start if they are eligible?
Your child's eligibility code will be valid from the term after their 2nd birthday.
If your child's 2nd birthday is on or between: | He/she will be entitled to their funded place from (the term after the child's 2nd birthday): |
1 January - 31 March | Summer term (April onwards) |
1 April - 31 August | Autumn term (September onwards) |
1 September - 31 December | Spring term (January onwards) |
How do I apply to see if my child is eligible?
You can apply by using our online application form below.
2 Year Old Funding Application
Before making your application, please ensure that it isn't too early to apply. See 'When should I apply to see if my child is eligible' for more information.
If you have NRPF, please complete the below application form instead.
- 2YO Application Form - NRPF
- Download (72KB - DOCX)
To support your application, we require:
- evidence proof of yours and your partner’s (if you have one) NRPF status in the form of:
- a share code to allow us to check your immigration status digitally
- evidence of your income and savings in the form of:
- three months’ worth of bank statements for yourself and your partner.
Your application form and evidence of NRPF status, income and savings must be returned to:
How will I know if my child is eligible for a place?
What do I need to do once I have received my eligibility letter?
You then need to take your eligibility letter to your chosen childcare provider so they can use your eligibility code to claim the funding for your child.
What happens if my circumstances change?
If your child isn’t eligible for the funding and your circumstances have changed, you can apply to see if you are now eligible using the methods stated in the ‘How do I apply to see if my child is eligible?’ section above.
What if I don't know which childcare I want to use?
You can contact the Families Information Service to have providers sent via email on - all queries will be responded to within three working days
Will I have to pay anything for my child's early education place?
Your child's early education place is paid for by the Government, however, schools/childcare providers can charge for meals, consumables (such as nappies and sun cream), additional activities (such as trips) or additional hours (hours that are taken over and above the funded entitlement hours). Where a parent chooses to pay for meals, consumables or additional hours, this is a private arrangement between the parent and the school/childcare provider.
Parent must not be required to pay any fee as a condition of taking up a funded early education place.
Schools/childcare providers should be open and transparent about any additional charges, so parents have a clear choice and know the cost of any extras they may wish to purchase. Parents should also be made aware of the options available to them if they do not wish to purchase any extras, for example a parent may supply their own consumables or a meal / snack for their child.
Can I move my child's funding to a different childcare provider?
You can move your child's early education funding at the start of each term (January, April, September) before headcount date; if you choose to move your child to another childcare setting before headcount date then you may incur fees for the childcare accessed with the original childcare provider.
In special circumstances, we may allow you to move your child's funding after headcount.
What is headcount day?
Headcount day is a date set each term when children accessing their early education funding in early years settings are counted. This information is submitted to Doncaster Council so we can pay the setting for your child’s funded childcare.
Your child will be still be counted, if headcount day falls on a day that your child doesn’t normally attend, as long as they attend their regular days during the week. Your child will also still be counted if they have accessed funding this term but are temporarily away from the setting on headcount day/ the week headcount day takes place, e.g. if your child is unable to attend during the week because they’re ill.
I’m moving into Doncaster, what happens to my child’s funding?
If you have moved to Doncaster and you can no longer access your child’s existing funded childcare place then you will need to contact us. We will need to verify that your child is eligible for the funding, either by seeing a copy of your eligibility letter from your old local authority, carrying out a new eligibility check or confirming with your old local authority that your child was eligible for the funding. Once we have done this, we can issue you with a Doncaster eligibility code and letter. This can be given to your new childcare provider so they can claim the funding from us.
If you have moved into the area partway through the term then, depending on the date, you may need to seek approval for your child to access the funding during the current term. To do this, you can contact us by emailing
You move to Doncaster in November and wish to use the funding immediately. As this is partway through the term, you may need approval for your child to access their funding that term. If you wanted your child to start their funding from January, you wouldn’t need approval from us as this is the start of a new term.
I’m moving out of Doncaster, what happens to my child’s funding?
If you’re moving out of Doncaster and your child will no longer be able to access their existing childcare place then you will need to contact your new local authority to determine when your child can use their funding with a new childcare provider.
If you wish to use the funding partway through the term then it is the new local authority’s decision whether or not they will allow this.
The new local authority will need to verify your child is eligible for the funding; they may do this by carrying out a new eligibility check, asking to see evidence of your previous eligibility or contacting us so we can confirm your child’s was eligible for the funding.
If you need to speak to somebody about your application, please contact Families Information Service on the details below:
- Email:
- Freephone: 0800 138 4568
- Facebook: Doncaster Families Information Service
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