International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: strategy
Social Housing Regulation 2024 saw the implementation of a new consumer-focused regime to ensure the voice of residents is heard and to rebalance the relationship between tenant and Registered Social Landlords. A key element of this is that landlords need to demonstrate that tenants have been involved at every level of decision-making.
Doncaster Council's Workforce Strategy Workforce Strategy has been developed so we can work to develop a stronger adult social care workforce.
Highway Maintenance Policies and Strategies of Doncaster Council highways maintenance policies and strategies.
Adult Social Care Policies, Plans and Partnership Working Social Care policies and plans.
Doncaster Growing Together Growing Together 2017-2021 set out the ambitious for the borough and its people, businesses and communities. This borough startegy has now expired and has been replaced with our new borough strategy, which is called Doncaster Delivering Together
Doncaster inclusive growth strategy Doncaster people, places and businesses to enjoy improved prosperity by participating in a growing and productive economy.
School's Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy and Strategy are required to have in place a robust system of controls to safeguard themselves against fraudulent or improper use of public money and assets. Arrangements should both prevent malpractice and enable prompt detection should fraud or corruption occur. Formal arrangements are required for all schools and they must adopt or create policies and procedures to this effect. Doncaster Council publishes a model framework that can be adopted by schools or adapted to meet their needs (see below).
Guidance to Improve Your School's Anti-bullying Strategy into the nature of bullying in schools is ongoing and new strategies are constantly evolving from the various agencies involved in this work. Anti-bullying strategies can always be improved, levels of bullying can always be reduced. Keep in touch with the latest up-to-date guidance here.
Our housing plans of our Housing Strategies