Content tagged with: report
Report it: Bollards - faulty report an issue with a bollard. If you believe the problem is dangerous and could cause an emergency situation, please ring during office...
Report it: Needles report discarded hypodermic needles, or other drugs litter you have found.
Empty properties you can report an empty property and what we're doing to address them.
Service Area: Emergencies out about what to do in an emergency regarding services in Doncaster.
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The Local Government Ombudsman Local Government Ombudsmen investigate complaints about councils. They aim to get the council to put things right if they have gone wrong and if this has affected you directly.
Report it: Graffiti and Fly-posting report instances of graffiti and fly-posting. If the graffiti is offensive, please ring 01302 736000 during office hours (Monday...
Report it: Manhole or drain covers - damaged report a missing or damaged, drainage or man-hole cover. If you believe the problem is dangerous and could cause an emergency situation, please...
Report it: Blue Badge - misuse report form report an incident of misuse of a blue badge. Please see more information section for when the council can take action.
Report it: Flooding report instances of flooding.
Antisocial Behaviour page is to report any instances of antisocial behaviour.