International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: highways
Highways programme of works Council deliver a wide range of work on the public highway, both planned scheme work and reactive maintenance work. Details of our planned maintenance programmes can be found here.
Department for Transport - additional funding funding provided by the Department for Transport.
Road markings, signs and speed limits signs are installed to regulate, advise and give directional information to the road user.
Creation of New Public Highways (Section 38 Agreement) agreement under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 can be used where an applicant proposes to construct a new estate road for residential, industrial or general purpose traffic as the legal means by which the road becomes a public highway.
Mud on Road Guidance guidance notes refer to instances where an owner/occupier or contractor of land or property adjacent to a highway deposits soil, mud or other debris upon a highway. The definition of a public highway includes footways, footpaths and adjacent verges, bridleways as well as the road itself whether adopted or not.
Highway Maintenance Policies and Strategies of Doncaster Council highways maintenance policies and strategies.
Work on Public Highways (Section 278 Agreement) Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 agreement can be used to licence a developer to carry out improvement works on public highway which are generally necessary where planning permission has been granted for a development.
Adopted Highway Register information regarding public highways within Doncaster and how to view the Highways Register.
Report it: Structural issues report a structural issue with a highway. The Highways and Transportation Service, as a local authority, will maintain and repair: walls...
Licence for Streetworks (Section 50 licence) person or organisation wishing to excavate in the public highway not being a statutory undertaker must obtain a licence under Section 50 of the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991