International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: geodiversity
Local Sites Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for the identification, designation and conservation of land of recognised wildlife and geological value (Local Sites).
Doncaster Geodiversity Assessment Doncaster Geodiversity Assessment was produced and written by the British Geological Survey, on behalf of Doncaster Council.
Getting involved you are interested in our local geology and geodiversity and want to get involved, we need enthusiastic people to join the Geodiversity Action Partnership.
The Geodiversity action plan Council established the Doncaster Geodiversity Partnership (DGP) in 2007 and developed a geodiversity action plan for the Borough in 2008.
Environmental planning the links for further information about environmental planning:
Local wildlife and geological sites Sites are Doncaster's locally and regionally important wildlife and geological sites. They are designated to recognise, and help conserve, their special wildlife and/or geological features, and their contribution to wider ecological networks and ‘green and blue infrastructure’.