International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: domestic abuse
Social Housing Regulation 2024 saw the implementation of a new consumer-focused regime to ensure the voice of residents is heard and to rebalance the relationship between tenant and Registered Social Landlords. A key element of this is that landlords need to demonstrate that tenants have been involved at every level of decision-making.
Domestic Abuse Protocol Doncaster Domestic Abuse Protocol has been refreshed! Please check out this latest version, published in June 2023, to see information about changes introduced through the Domestic Act 2021, details of new initiatives and referral pathways and new information and guidance about domestic abuse and how to respond to victims and perpetrators.
Domestic abuse survivor zone abuse can continue to impact on our lives for many years after the abuse has ended. Individual and group support is now available for survivors. We have a laugh, we have a cry and we are there for each other. Together we can also make a change and help other people that are going through what we have. We can influence policy makers to improve services and make a difference.
Domestic abuse and young people abuse is when a person hurts, controls, threatens or bullies another person who is or was their partner or who is a member of their family. The abuse doesn’t always end when the relationship ends. As a young person you might see or hear abuse in your household, you might be hurt either physically or emotionally as part of the abuse between adults, and you might experience abuse from your own boyfriend or girlfriend or other family member.
Domestic abuse - Are you worried about someone you know? may know a sister, brother, mum, dad, son or daughter, colleague, neighbour, cousin or friend who is experiencing abuse behind closed doors.
Domestic Abuse - Training full training programme is available for professionals in relation to their job role. This training is multi agency and free of charge.
Community Safety Community Safety Team work to improve communities across Doncaster. The team works alongside the Police, Fire Authority, Probation Service, NHS, and voluntary sector as part of the Safer Stronger Doncaster Partnership.
What is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)? is when a female's genitals are deliberately altered or removed for non-medical reasons. It's also known as 'female circumcision' or 'cutting', but has many other names.
Domestic Abuse Information Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information in relation to domestic abuse and domestic homicide reviews. The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand this notice before submitting your information to us.
Domestic Abuse abuse, or domestic violence, includes a range of abusive behaviour (either physical, sexual, financial, psychological or emotional) between people 16 years or older, who are or were intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender.