International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Domestic abuse survivor zone
Domestic abuse can continue to impact on our lives for many years after the abuse has ended. Individual and group support is now available for survivors. We have a laugh, we have a cry and we are there for each other. Together we can also make a change and help other people that are going through what we have. We can influence policy makers to improve services and make a difference.
A message from your domestic abuse survivor worker
As a survivors we have experienced some of the things that you have, felt the fear, isolation and lack of control over our lives like I am sure you may be feeling, or have felt too.
We want to make sure that you don’t feel like that anymore or ever again. We can’t say we have a magic wand because we don’t, but our team will work tirelessly to help you navigate life away from abuse and be safe and happy.
We are here for. There is no judgement and you will not be alone.
In addition to providing support to survivors, we listen to you and work alongside you to ensure we meet the needs of future victims.
The questionnaire below is also an opportunity to tell us about your experience in an anonymous form. It comes directly to the survivor liaison service. A team dedicated to elevating survivor voice. We are victims ourselves of nearly two decades and we also felt handcuffed to a perpetrators by the systems designed to free us. We get it.
We are here for you.
Laura and Kirsty
Bespoke support for male victims
For many years, domestic abuse has been a taboo subject, and even seen as acceptable in some communities. As a male survivor of domestic abuse at the time I thought I was the only one, there seemed to be very little support. It was not until my children started to be physically affected and the authorities were involved I found that there was support.
Thankfully, times are changing. More and more types of behaviour involved in domestic abuse are recognised as crimes, including coercive and controlling behaviour and stalking and harassment. There is support for both men and women, in my opinion there is still not enough support but the government is moving in the right direction.
In Doncaster support is available, as a male survivor of domestic abuse I will be involved in setting up a support group for male survivors, where we can simply talk or listen. My wish is for nobody to feel alone, whether you have escaped from domestic abuse or currently still in danger.
The main barrier is not so much a lack of support, it is knowing where to find it and realising that us men too have emotions.
The first time I rang the police it was out of desperation and it did start the ball rolling with child protection, social services etc. I always thought that such services would take the children away, but to my surprise they did a good job, they protected my children and myself and got us the help and support we needed.
I would like to see domestic abuse brought out of “the shadows”, recognised by all and full support given no matter of sex, religion, sexuality, culture etc.
Contact us
The criteria for survivor support is:
- Anyone that has experienced domestic abuse in the past but needs ongoing emotional support
- Should not still be working with another domestic abuse worker
- Cannot include anyone still in the criminal justice system (but can include people going through Civil proceedings e.g. family courts)
- Cannot include anyone still being abused by the perpetrator (you should contact the Doncaster domestic abuse hub if you are still being harmed by the perpetrator to receive more in depth safety advice and support)
If you would like support please contact us by completing this referral form and return it to:
- Survivor self referral form
- Download (23KB - DOCX)
Support Sessions for women
City of Doncaster Council's Domestic and Sexual Abuse Survivor Liaison Service is delivering face to face and online survivor sessions. They are informal, flexible and aim to help you move forward from the abuse, improving your confidence and self-esteem.
This support is for women who are no longer in abusive relationships but who are still dealing with the trauma that the abuse has left them with. A survivor of domestic abuse facilitates all sessions.
Some of the sessions we run:
- Self care
- Trauma bonding
- Setting boundaries
- You tell us! What would you like support with?
In order to keep you safe from your abuser we are careful about how we advertise these groups and we hope they will grow over time and with word of mouth. Therefore for exact locations and a chat with the Survivor Liaison Worker running the group please contact the team email:
Where | When | Time |
Balby | Every first and third Friday of the month | 10AM - 12MD |
Male support, online sessions and 1 to 1 support is also available by emailing: If the number of men wanting group survivor support grows we aim to run face to face groups in the future. A bespoke LGBT+ domestic abuse survivors group is also being planned. For more information email: People still in an abusive relationships should call the Domestic Abuse Hub on 01302 737080.
Have your say
Your experiences of domestic abuse can help us to improve our services, publicity and training. We want to know how you escaped the abuse, which agencies helped you and which agencies could have done more. We want to know about the impact the abuse had on you and your children and how you think we can help other victims and survivors.
This questionnaire could possibly bring back some things you may have wanted to forget. Please skip any questions you are uncomfortable with, and take your time, have a break and look after yourself.
It will tell us what matters to you, what needs to change and, hey, what we are good at.
As it is anonymous you will not be contacted by anyone. If you would like to contact our team our email is and we so look forward to meeting you all in whatever way you feel safe.
Survivor experiences
A survivor of domestic abuse has recorded an audio clip following the support she received from the Survivor Liaison worker:
For testimonials and information about the survivor liaison service please check out our latest annual report: Survivor Liaison Service 2023/2024 report
Return to the Domestic Abuse homepage
Downloads & Resources
- Survivor self referral form-1
- Download (23KB - DOCX)
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