International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: council tax
Ways to reduce your Council Tax bill about the ways that you might be able to reduce your Council Tax bill, either through direct support towards your bill, or as a discount or exemption.
Single occupier discount review households are being urged to tell The Council if they are claiming Council Tax discounts they are not entitled to.
Debt Advice (Council Tax) you are worried about debt or struggling to manage your finances, it can be difficult to know where to turn for help. In addition to the Council, there are various independent agencies and charities offering free, independent and confidential advice who may be able to help.
Service Area: Council Tax & benefits out about council tax, housing benefit, business rates, welfare reform and mobility travel passes.
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Apply for it: Council Tax - Change method of payment request a change to how or what date you pay your Council Tax. If you want to set up a new Direct Debit, or change your existing Direct Debit...
Council Tax Single Occupier discount you are the only adult over the age of 18 living in the property, you may be entitled to a 25% reduction off your Council Tax.
Council Tax discounts for religious persons discount or exemption may be available to properties used or kept for or by religious persons or groups.
Council Tax occupied property exemptions on the circumstances of the household exemptions are for occupied properties. An exemption means that there is no Council Tax to pay.
Council Tax discounts for people in detention you, or any other members of your household are in detention, you may be entitled to a reduction off your Council Tax.
Council Tax discounts for military or diplomatic persons and exemptions may be available to military or diplomatic personnel.