International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Flood Risk Management
Find out about the Rivers which flow through Doncaster and our responsibilities in respect of flood risks.
City of Doncaster Council covers an area of approximately 568 square kilometres, with a population of 302,400 (2011 census). Doncaster’s topography is predominantly flat (some of it below sea level). It relies heavily on an extensive system of man-made drainage channels, pumps and other control structures to drain the land effectively. Doncaster is covered by 3 Internal Drainage Boards (Danvm, Doncaster East and Black Drain).
There are a number of large rivers which flow through Doncaster, namely the River Don, River Dearne, River Torne, River Went and the Ea Beck, along with several other minor rivers. The area is split hydraulically between the River Don and River Trent catchments. It is also served by 2 Environment Agency Areas, Yorkshire and Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire, which reflects that the borough is hydraulically split along the southern length of the River Don. The borough is split between 3 Water Authorities, Yorkshire, Severn Trent and Anglian (although Anglian only serves a very small area).
City of Doncaster Council maintain council owned watercourses, clear grilles of debris hotspots, advise on flood risk, design flood alleviation works, inspect and maintain council owned pumping stations. Through the planning process we mitigate flood risk due to the impact of development and we work closely with partners during flood events.
City of Doncaster Council is now the Lead local Flood Authority (LLFA) for Doncaster under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. Our key responsibilities include:
- Developing a Flood Risk Management Strategy for Doncaster to reduce local flood risk from surface water, ordinary watercourses and groundwater.
- Working with other key stakeholders to ensure delivery of effective joined up flood risk management.
- Completing a Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA).
- Establishing and maintaining a register of assets which affect flood risk.
- Investigating flooding incidents in order to understand their cause and ensure that appropriate agencies play their part in the effective management and resolution of flooding incidents.
- Responsibility for the co-ordination of flood risk management across Doncaster. All flood risk management organisations have a duty to co-operate and will need to work in partnership with us on flood risk management.
City of Doncaster Council oversees all 'ordinary' (i.e non -main river) watercourses and has the legal powers to make landowners remove watercourse obstructions. Our highways department is responsible for the maintenance of highway drainage systems and gullies. The Environment Agency remains the risk management authority responsible for managing risk from the rivers Don, Dearne, Trent, Went and Ea Beck along with other main rivers. Yorkshire Water and Severn Trent Water is responsible for managing risk from sewer flooding.
For the latest information on flooding and flood forecasts for Doncaster please refer to the Environment Agency webpage.
Flood risk programme of works for 2024/25
Visit the following page for details of the 2024/25 Programme of Works for flooding and drainage improvement schemes: Highways programme of works
Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA) Asset Register
Funded Schemes
The 3 schemes which we have obtained funding for through Sheffield City Region Gain Share are:
- Bentley FAS, £1million, Capital works to reduce flood risk on Frank Road area, Bentley.
- Borough Wide Surface Water Alleviation Scheme (Scawthorpe Pluvial), £400k, Capital works to address surface water flooding SBC preparation
- Natural Flood Management Conisbrough and Tickhill, £400k, Capital works to construct interventions to upgrade barriers and create attenuation.
Downloads & Resources
- Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
- Download (1.08MB - PDF)
- Preliminary Assessment Report Spreadsheet
- Download (360KB - XLS)
- Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Checklist
- Download (63KB - XLS)
- Surface Water Flooding classed as Significant in June 2007
- Download (46KB - XLS)
- Locations of Surface Water Flooding June 2007
- Download (59KB - XLS)
- 2019-20 Section 19 Flooding Investigations
- Download (409KB - )
- SBC Bentley FAS
- Download (1.2MB - PDF)
- SBC Doncaster Surface Water Mitigation Projects
- Download (1.07MB - PDF)
- SBC NFM Conisbrough and Tickhill
- Download (1.79MB - PDF)
- Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2023- 2029
- Download (1.24MB - PDF)
- Solar Farm Drainage Strategy Advice
- Download (263KB - PDF)
- Mineral Site Drainage Strategy Advice
- Download (246KB - PDF)
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