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Waste and Recycling - Privacy Notice
This Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how Doncaster Council will use your information for the waste and recycling service
Please see our bins, recycling and waste section for service requests.
The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand this notice before submitting your information to us.
What information about you do we collect?
For the processing to which this notice relates to be carried out we use the following information:
• personal information – such as: your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address is needed for the majority of our services, we also collect the following, in specific circumstances:
o financial details – to allow payment for applicable services
o information about your family and date of birth - for additional waste capacity,
o national insurance number – to check eligibility for a reduction in the bulky collection fee,
o a copy of a utility bill – for a pedestrian permit and also a copy of a V5 log book to obtain a vehicle permit
• special category personal information – such as: information about your family, physical health or disabilities for assisted collections or requiring additional waste capacity on medical grounds
• personal information – such as: your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address is needed for the majority of our services, we also collect the following, in specific circumstances:
o financial details – to allow payment for applicable services
o information about your family and date of birth - for additional waste capacity,
o national insurance number – to check eligibility for a reduction in the bulky collection fee,
o a copy of a utility bill – for a pedestrian permit and also a copy of a V5 log book to obtain a vehicle permit
• special category personal information – such as: information about your family, physical health or disabilities for assisted collections or requiring additional waste capacity on medical grounds
How will your information be used?
The Council does not need, and does not use, information about you for routine bin collections. Information about you will only be used if you:
• report a missed collection
• order new, additional or replacement waste and recycling containers
• report missing or damaged containers
• request a collection of a bulky item (for waste or to re-use)
• apply for an assisted collection
• obtain a vehicle or pedestrian permit
• require a ‘one off tip’
• book an asbestos disposal appointment
• are required to complete a household waste declaration form
• request our trade waste disposal and recycling services
• make a general service enquiry, comment or complaint.
• report a missed collection
• order new, additional or replacement waste and recycling containers
• report missing or damaged containers
• request a collection of a bulky item (for waste or to re-use)
• apply for an assisted collection
• obtain a vehicle or pedestrian permit
• require a ‘one off tip’
• book an asbestos disposal appointment
• are required to complete a household waste declaration form
• request our trade waste disposal and recycling services
• make a general service enquiry, comment or complaint.
How do we collect information about you?
We collect your information from you directly by asking you to complete one of our online forms or telephone our customer service centre. We may also inadvertently collect images of you through use of CCTV and body worn video systems. Images will only be collected for the purpose of quality monitoring and monitoring whether bins have been presented.
Automatic Processing
The Council uses automatic processing to check eligibility for a reduction in payments for bulky collections, when someone is in receipt of certain benefits. If applicable, you are asked to provide your national insurance number, benefit reference number and postcode, which is checked against information stored on our Benefits system; if the information matches a discount is applied. This means that some decisions that might affect you are made by a computer. Decisions made in this way will affect you financially. If the information you provide does not match our data then the discount will not be applied and you would have to pay the full amount. You are entitled to ask for any solely automatic decisions made about you to be reconsidered by one of our staff, to express your point of view about such decisions and contest – see the Individual Rights Procedure on our website.
The Legal Basis for using your information
The table below sets out the legal basis for each of the activities that this Privacy Notice covers:
Personal Data Activity | Legal basis - GDPR Article 6 | S8 DPA | UK Legislation |
Report a missed collection; request our trade waste disposal services; make a general service enquiry, comment or complaint; or, request a collection of a bulky item (NOT for re-use) | (1)(c) to do so is necessary because of a legal obligation that applies to the Council | S45 Environmental Protection Act 1990 | |
Order new, additional or replacement waste containers, report missing or damaged containers Request a collection of a bulky item (for re-use) Payment for one of our services Obtain HWRC access permit book an asbestos disposal appointment | (1)(e) to do so is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, or in the exercise of official authority | (c) the exercise of a function conferred on a person by an enactment or rule of law. | S46 & S47 Environmental Protection Act 1990 S55 Environmental Protection Act 1990 S55 Environmental Protection Act 1990 and The Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012 S51 Environmental Protection Act 1990 S51 Environmental Protection Act 1990 |
Special Category Data Activity | Legal basis - GDPR Article 9 | DPA 2018 condition | Other considerations |
Apply (and prove eligibility) for an assisted collection Apply for additional waste capacity | (2)(g) processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest. | Paragraph 6(2)(a) of Part 2 of schedule 1 - the exercise of a function conferred on a person by an enactment or rule of law | S45 Environmental Protection Act 1990 S2 Local Government Act 2000 Equalities Act 2010 |
Who will your information be shared with?
We sometimes need to share your information within the Council or with other organisations. We will only share your information when necessary and when the law allows us to, and we will only share the minimum information we need to. For waste and recycling matters we will need to share your information with:
- SUEZ, who the Council has a contract with to provide waste and recycling collection services across the borough
- ReFurnish – who collect and resell some bulky waste
- FCC who the council has a contract with to manage the six household waste recycling centres
- South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue – where an assisted bin collection has been requested we will share the property reference number with the fire service in order to offer fire safety advice and to provide assistance in an emergency situation. If you do not want us to share this information please call 01302 736000
How long will we keep your information?
We will keep your information for different periods of time, depending on what we are using it for. We only keep your information for as long as we need to, after which we will securely delete the information.
Your rights
The law gives you specific rights over your information. These rights are:
• to be informed of our use of information about you;
• of access to information about you;
• rectify information about you that is inaccurate;
• to have your information erased (the ‘right to be forgotten’);
• to restrict how we use information about you;
• to move your information to a new service provider;
• to object to how we use information about you;
• not to have decisions made about you on the basis of automated decision making;
• to object to direct marketing; and,
• to complain about anything the Council does with your information (please see the ‘Complaints’ section below).
Some of the rights listed above apply only in certain situations, and some have a limited effect. Your rights are explained further in the Individuals’ Rights Procedure on our website, as is how to make a request under one or more of them. You can request information about yourself by making a subject access request on this page of the Council’s website.
• to be informed of our use of information about you;
• of access to information about you;
• rectify information about you that is inaccurate;
• to have your information erased (the ‘right to be forgotten’);
• to restrict how we use information about you;
• to move your information to a new service provider;
• to object to how we use information about you;
• not to have decisions made about you on the basis of automated decision making;
• to object to direct marketing; and,
• to complain about anything the Council does with your information (please see the ‘Complaints’ section below).
Some of the rights listed above apply only in certain situations, and some have a limited effect. Your rights are explained further in the Individuals’ Rights Procedure on our website, as is how to make a request under one or more of them. You can request information about yourself by making a subject access request on this page of the Council’s website.
Changes to this privacy notice
This notice is kept under regular review to make sure it is up to date and accurate.
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
The Council is required by law to have a DPO. The DPO has a number of duties, including:
• monitoring the Council’s compliance with data protection law;
• providing expert advice and guidance on data protection;
• acting as the point of contact for data subjects; and,
• co-operating and consulting with the Information Commissioner’s Office (see ‘Complaints’ below).
The Council’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at
• monitoring the Council’s compliance with data protection law;
• providing expert advice and guidance on data protection;
• acting as the point of contact for data subjects; and,
• co-operating and consulting with the Information Commissioner’s Office (see ‘Complaints’ below).
The Council’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at
If you are unhappy with the way in which your information has been handled you should contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer so that we can try and put things right. Alternatively, and if we have been unable to resolve your complaint, you can also refer the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights, and they can investigate and adjudicate on any data protection related concerns you raise with them. They can be contacted via the methods below:
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
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Last updated: 21 January 2021 15:21:31