Executive Director of Place
Structure of Service Directors under the Executive Director of Place.
Dan Swaine - Executive Director of Place
Kellie Hopkins - Service Director of Environment |
| Areas of responsibility include: - waste and re-cycling
- collection/treatment - street scene and environment
- arboriculture and horticulture - street cleaning/FLAG - parks and playgrounds - bio-diversity - green tourism - climate change - highways and transport
- highways - transport planning/strategy - street lighting - road safety - parking management - parking strategy - public rights of way - drainage and flooding - environment protection
- regulation and enforcement - trading standards and licensing - food, animal health and safety - businesses regulation - housing and building enforcement (including planning enforcement) - emergency planning - ASB |
Scott Cardwell - Service Director of Economy and Development |
| Areas of responsibility include: - planning policy and environment
- planning development, support and improvement
- building control
- economic strategy and partnerships
- major projects
- strategic infrastructure
- Business Doncaster
- inward investment
- digital region
- Doncaster town centre management
- strategic asset disposals/acquisitions
- heritage issues
- investment
- tourism
- employment and enterprise
- local investment planning
- facilities management
- public buildings management
- strategic asset management
- energy efficiency
Vacant - Service Director of Strategic Housing, Property and Safer Communities |
| Areas of responsibility include: - house build programme development and delivery
- housing lead for regional and national partnerships
- housing strategy
- homeless and rough sleeping
- health and social care housing related services
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Last updated: 24 September 2024 13:57:29