Educational off-site visits - Risk assessment

Advice for Heads of Service, Headteachers, Principals, Teachers, Educational Visits Coordinators, Establishment Staff and Governing Bodies with regards risk management.

Risk management is an integral part of the planning and implementation process of an educational off-site visit.  To assist staff in the completion of risk assessment documents, in the ‘Downloads and Resources’ section there are a range of generic risk assessment templates.  The information provided within the generic risk assessments is not by any means exhaustive or definitive and is designed to be starting point from which a visit specific risk assessment can be produced for a particular visit or series of visit.  It is the responsibility of the visit leader to review the risk assessments carefully and consider all the significant and foreseeable hazards which may occur in addition to those listed and implement appropriate measures to safeguard party members at all times.

Further information from OEAP National Guidance regarding risk management can be obtained on the OEAP National Guidance website

If your school does not currently have access to the Local Authority educational off-site visits provision, please contact: 01302 737152

Parents should be aware that, in the event of any query concerning a school visit, they should contact the school concerned.

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Last updated: 10 June 2021 15:46:20

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