Educational off-site visits - Consent

Advice for Heads of Service, Headteachers, Principals, Teachers, Educational Visits Coordinators, Establishment Staff and Governing Bodies with regards parent/carer consent.

Parents and carers need to be fully informed of the details regarding off-site visits that their young people are taking part in.  In conjunction with providing relevant information regarding visits, appropriate and sufficient levels of consent need to be obtained in line with current guidance.  In the ‘Downloads and Resources’ section there are a range of consent and information forms for use in the planning of off-site visits (if you are a non LA maintained establishment who use the LA educational off-site visits provision and would like a copy of the consent/information forms whereby you can add your own establishment heading/logo please email the Local Authority for a copy of a fully editable form - any amendments being made to the forms are the sole responsibility of the establishment).

Further information from OEAP National Guidance regarding gaining consent can be obtained on the OEAP National Guidance website

If your school does not currently have access to the Local Authority educational off-site visits provision, please contact: 01302 737152

Parents should be aware that, in the event of any query concerning a school visit, they should contact the school concerned.

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Last updated: 10 June 2021 15:32:09

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