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Local Records Centre
Doncaster Local Records Centre (DLRC) forms part of a wider network of Local Records Centres in the UK.
The main role of the DLRC is to collect, manage and share information about wildlife, wildlife sites and habitats within Doncaster to understand and support conservation of local biodiversity. The verified and validated biological records held in our database are provided on a not-for-profit basis to a range of audiences including decision-makers, researchers and the public.
Further information can be accessed here:
- The Yorkshire Area Local Records Centres
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- Doncaster Local Record Centre Fact Sheet
- Download (90KB - PDF)
- Doncaster Local Records Centre Annual Report 2023-2024
- Download (662KB - PDF)
- Doncaster Local Records Centre Annual Report 2022-2023
- Download (856KB - PDF)
- Doncaster Local Records Centre Annual Report 2021-2022
- Download (588KB - PDF)
Read the Doncaster Local Records Centre – Privacy Notice.
Information available
Biological recording within the Doncaster Borough dates back well over 200 years. Through the years Doncaster Local Records Centre has collected nearly half a million species records including information about protected species such as: bats, Great Crested Newt, Brown Hare and Water Vole. However biological information of a sensitive nature, specifically badger records and badger sett information, is not held or provided. A summary of the data held by DLRC can be found on our My LERC webpage.
For further biological records you may also wish to contact:
- South Yorkshire Badger Group
- South Yorkshire Bat Group
- Doncaster Naturalists’ Society
- Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union
- Biological Records Centre (BRC)
- National Biodiversity Network (NBN)
- British Trust of Ornithology (BTO)
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
- Natural England
- Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT)
What is the source of this information?
Data is provided from a variety of sources including members of the public, natural history groups, recording societies and ecological consultancies. In addition to this, Doncaster Council undertakes a rolling survey and assessment of Local Wildlife Sites to ensure that the information held for these wildlife hotspots is current, comprehensive and accurate. Since 2008 over 50% of Local Sites have been surveyed by suitably qualified surveyors as part of a rolling programme of review.
How are the records used?
The information held by DLRC has been used by the City of Doncaster Council, commercial and non-commercial users for a variety of purposes including:
City of Doncaster Council has applied the data to:
- produce its Biodiversity Action Plan, Species Audit and Botanical Atlas,
- prepare environmental study and research,
- produce its interactive biodiversity map showing the location of designated sites,
- assess and monitor Local Sites,
- map and assess habitat suitability, connectivity and species distributions to inform ecological protection, mitigation and enhancement schemes,
- develop conservation proposals and assess planning applications,
- inform the emerging Local Plan and associated documents.
Environmental consultancies request the data mainly for planning and pre-planning applications, environmental statements and Environmental Impact Assessment. Our data has been also used by members of public and educational institutions.
- email:
- tel: 01302 734891
Further Information:
Downloads & Resources
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