The Council has a Part 1 Brownfield Land Register which provides up-to-date and consistent information on brownfield sites that the Council considers as being appropriate for residential development.

About the Brownfield Land Register (Part 1)

In 2017 Regulations were published that introduced the requirement for all local planning authorities in England to prepare, maintain and publish registers of brownfield (previously developed) land within their area that they consider appropriate for residential development. Further guidance has subsequently been published in the form of National Planning Practice Guidance and the Brownfield Land Registers Data Standard (July 2017) which includes a template for how a register should be compiled and published. Brownfield land registers will ensure that standardised information and data about previously developed land that is suitable and available for residential development is kept up-to-date and made publicly available. The definition of brownfield land (previously developed land) can be found in the Annex to the National Planning Policy Framework. Brownfield land registers must be published annually by 31 December.

Part 1 of the register comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as appropriate for residential development and includes sites with extant planning permission as well as some sites without planning permission. Data has been provided in line with the data standard and this ensures the register meets the requirements of the 2017 Regulations which include publishing the register in a spreadsheet format.

Doncaster Council's Brownfield Land Register

The Council published its first register (Part 1) in December 2017 in line with the Regulations and guidance above; published below is now the latest updated register. The register includes a link to our interactive brownfield land register map where the sites included on the register can be viewed in detail. Please note, the base date of the information included in the register is as of 1 April unless stated otherwise. This is to align the register with the Council's latest annual monitoring of residential planning permissions (Residential Land Availability Report) as well as the Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment and 5-Year Deliverable Housing Land Supply Statement given the register includes the same concepts of suitability, availability, deliverability and achievability which are the main outputs and conclusions of these evidence base documents.

Brownfield Register 2023
Download (111KB - CSV)

How will the Council Maintain Part 1 of the Brownfield Land Register?

Each spring, the Council undertakes annual monitoring of residential planning permissions and updates its relevant evidence base on land availability for housing in the borough as set out above. This stage will now incorporate an update to the brownfield land register and ensure the register is updated on at least an annual basis so that the data is kept up-to-date. For example, through removing permissions that have been implemented over the previous monitoring year, or adding planning permissions on new brownfield sites granted during the period that meet the criteria or sites put forward for inclusion for the first time by landowners.

What is Part 2 of the Brownfield Land Register?

Part 2 of the brownfield land register is optional and allows the Council to decide whether any of the sites included in Part 1 of the register are suitable for a grant of planning permission in principle for residential development. Permission in principle establishes the fundamental principles of development in terms of use, location and amount of development. However, planning permission is not granted until Technical Details Consent is applied for and approved by the Council. There are certain consultations and publicity stages required as part of this stage. For the time being, the Council is only publishing Part 1 of the register and is considering its approach to Part 2 of the register.

Can I Submit a Site for Inclusion in the Brownfield Land Register?

If you have brownfield land which has potential for housing in the future, and is not yet included in the register, we welcome you to submit representations to the Council informing us to this effect. In line with the Regulations, sites should be 0.25 hectares or larger, or capable of providing at least 5 dwellings. Site submissions must include a map clearly identifying the boundaries of the land and should be sent to the Council via the contact details below. The Council will consider the suitability of your representation and include any sites that meet the criteria as part of the next update to the register.

Mapped Data

The land included on the brownfield register is shown on an interactive map.

The sites are also available for use within GIS via the zip files below which contains shapefile data of the sites (please note we can only supply in this format - when you click on the zip file it will need to download and may show a warning when you do this).

This resource is licensed under the Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data).

Where data is derived from Ordnance Survey data and has been made available under the OGL, an additional attribution statement is required:

Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of issue].

Doncaster Brownfield Sites 2023
Download (76KB - ZIP)


Last updated: 30 July 2024 07:25:02

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