International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Street cleaning
The Street Scene team are responsible for keeping the streets of Doncaster clean and safe for residents to enjoy.
Regular monitoring of street cleanliness is constantly carried out to maintain high standards, identify hot-spot areas and respond to issues quickly when they arise. We will try to keep areas free of litter and refuse as far as is reasonably practical. If the litter is on private land, it is the responsibility of the landowner, however we will take action wherever possible to improve unsightly landscapes.
We will cleanse highways and local spaces to meet appropriate need but at a minimum;
- Town Centres up to 4 times per day
- Main roads and car parks up to fortnightly
- Rural and estate roads up to every 3 months
The team adhere to Grades of Cleanliness, standards in line with the Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse (2006), see the document in the Downloads and Resources area of this page.
If you would like to find out more information about the types of services we provide or report a problem, please click on the appropriate link:
- Street cleaning request
- Litter
- Road Sweeping
- Fly-tipping
- Abandoned Vehicles
- Graffiti
- Dead Animal Removal
- How you can help
If rubbish is causing an obstruction, the graffiti is offensive or the dead animal is on a highway please ring 01302 736000 during office hours (Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5pm) or outside of these hours 01302 737199
Downloads & Resources
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