International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: parents
Families Information Service (FIS) and Childcare Information Service provides information, advice and guidance for parents, carers, practitioners, children and young people on a wide range of services and activities/events available in Doncaster and beyond.
Parenting and Family Hubs ever said parenting was easy, in fact, we think it can be one of the most challenging jobs there is. But it is also one of the most rewarding.
Family Hubs and Services Family Hubs are designed to bring services together to work with families from conception, through childhood and into adolescence (0 -18 years and 25 years SEND) to deliver an integrated local offer.
Parenting Programmes Parenting Programmes aim to support parents and carers in developing knowledge, confidence and skills that will help build a strong family life and keep children and young people safe, happy and successful.
15 or 30 hours funded childcare and Tax-Free Childcare for working parents parents may be eligible to access up to 30 hours funded childcare per week during term-time.
Registering a birth about who can register a birth, what we'll need from you, and what to do once your baby has been registered.
Find childcare and schools to date details of all Ofsted registered childcare and schools in Doncaster to help you find the best childcare setting or school for you, including contact details, opening hours and services provided.
We Support Our Mums Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for the We Support Our Mums programme.
Mental Wellbeing for New Parents your pregnancy and your babies early years you will receive lots of information and advice on staying well and caring for your physical health and wellbeing. It is important that you care for your emotional health too and to know what support you can receive.
30 Hours Childcare / Tax-Free Childcare - Information for Professionals information on this page is about the additional 15 hours of funded childcare for eligible working parents of 3 and 4 year olds (30 hours childcare) and tax-free childcare.