International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: holidays
Short Breaks children and young people with a disability or complex health need, to access services and activities that will enhance their life experiences; whilst offering a break to families/carers.
School holidays and term dates page gives a brief overview of the terms dates within Doncaster. Individual dates may vary: For Academies and Church Schools - please check with the School. You will find information about the current and future school holiday dates, and there are also downloadable versions of the school holiday calendars available in the downloads section of this page.
Leave of Absence during Term Time school day counts towards your child’s future. Days off school add up to lost learning.
Find childcare and schools to date details of all Ofsted registered childcare and schools in Doncaster to help you find the best childcare setting or school for you, including contact details, opening hours and services provided.
Breaks for carers a break is likely to help you cope with caring and give you time to recharge your batteries.
Shared Lives Doncaster Lives sees trained carers allow people with various disabilities, mental health issues and/or dementia to move in to their home and become part of their family life.