Content tagged with: environment
Place - Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations - 2024/2025 on the topics below to view some of the Council's responses to Freedom of Information requests answered by the directorate Place.
Environmental Permits to Control Emissions Pollution Control team are responsible for the regulation of emissions from a number of industrial and commercial processes within the borough. This is achieved by issuing a permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended).
Doncaster Emergency Plans Doncaster Council Resilience and Emergency Planning Team prepare with our emergency response partners a variety of multi-agency emergency plans.
Local Sites Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for the identification, designation and conservation of land of recognised wildlife and geological value (Local Sites).
Doncaster Environment Fund you a local organisation, a school or a community group that wants to make an improvement to Doncaster's environment?
Air quality reports available to the public our air quality reports below.
Developing on contaminated land on brownfield sites (previously used land) is a key priority of the government’s regeneration policy.
Contaminated land of contamination
Air pollution in Doncaster quality of the air we breathe is affected by many factors.
Pollution and guidance on pollution