Environmental Permits to Control Emissions

The Pollution Control team are responsible for the regulation of emissions from a number of industrial and commercial processes within the borough. This is achieved by issuing a permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended).


Who needs a permit?

Operators of specific activities and installations listed within these regulations are legally required to apply for an environmental permit which contains conditions which must be complied with in order to control environmental emissions.

Dependent upon the nature of the business and the activities undertaken, an Environmental Permit will be required either from the Environment Agency ( A1 Installations) or the Local Authority ( A2 and B Installations).

If you are the operator of a potential A2 or B Installation, you can contact the Pollution Control Team for information on the application process at:




Public register

Details of the Environmental Permits issued by Doncaster MBC are listed on the public register.  The current list can be downloaded from the downloads and resources section on this page.

To view public register material relating to specific installations please contact the Pollution Control Team at:



Information relating to permits issued under the Industrial Emissions Directive can be found in the downloads and resources section of this page. 



Have your say

Whenever we receive applications for certain permitted installations, we will publish the application documents  as an attached portable document file (PDF) on this page. 

Any comments on a proposed installation can be sent to the Pollution Control Team at:




No current consultations 


Contact us

For further information email pollution.control@doncaster.gov.uk


Last updated: 10 July 2024 14:37:42

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