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YOS Youth Justice Team
The Youth Justice Team is one of three teams who comprise the Youth Offending Service in Doncaster. The Youth Offending Service (YOS) is a multi-agency partnership service with five statutory partners (South Yorkshire Police, National Probation Service Doncaster, Health, Youth Justice Board and Doncaster Council).
The Youth Justice Team are made up of Case Managers, two Seconded Police Officers and we also have a named Probation Officer for Transitions. The team are responsible for all assessments for Diversion and Court cases for 10-17 year olds, reports for our Triage, Court and Referral Order Panels and for managing the three domains of risk used within Youth Justice (Serious Harm, Likelihood of Reoffending and Safety & Wellbeing).
The Youth Justice Team assessments focus on exploring Childhood Developmental Trauma, Attachment, Communication and Acquired Brain Injury alongside Desistance theories - which means that the relationship that the Case Manager builds with the young person is the starting point of nearly all our work. This trusting relationship allows us to work intensely with them to explore their Lived Experiences so that we can understand how they came to commit the behaviours that bring them to our attention and develop a bespoke intervention to assist them to move away from problematic situations and behaviours.
We work with young people aged 10 to 18 who come to us either via the Police Triage Process (Out of Court Disposals) or via the Youth Courts. We do not take referrals from any other sources. We use Volunteers as Mentors and for Referral Order Panels - please see link below for more details about these opportunities.
Community Panel Volunteer Scheme - Doncaster Council
We are accountable to the Youth Justice Board and we are inspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons and Probation. We are measured on diverting the number of first-time entrants to the youth justice system, our reduction in reoffending rates of those who are in the Justice System and on how many young people are diverted from custody. Doncaster Youth Offending Service is consistently a high performing YOS and young people on average tell us that our intervention helps them and their families make positive changes.
You can contact the team via the Youth Offending Service general number on 01302 736100 or you can email the team at
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