International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Virtual School - Emotional health and well-being
Emotional health is one of the most significant barriers to the progress of vulnerable children.
All those working with children in care should make themselves aware of the physiological and psychological effects of early abuse, trauma and loss, on attachment and resilience. These are key factors in the way in which vulnerable children view peers and adults and influence their relationships with them and their capacity to respond to challenge.
A child’s early development has a significant impact on a child’s attachment needs which in turn impact on their ability to settle to learn in school. The DfE have recently published guidance on this Subject: Promoting the health and well-being of looked after children
Attachment Aware Schools
This is a partnership between Bath Spa University, Bath and North East Somerset Council, the National College for Teaching and Leadership, a range of third sector organisations, attachment specialists, and schools. It provides a range of awareness raising and training resources, and links to others that can be a significant aid to any professional working to promote the educational progress of children in care. Visit the website at
The Attachment Research Community (ARC) is seeking to increase understanding of attachment and how to support young people with unmet attachment needs and trauma in schools and other settings.