When we speak with families we will often signpost them to other services that can support them with things that our service does not cover.

We have pulled together information below which are services, websites and useful documents that we have come across that may be useful to you. 


Doncaster Local Offer already have a list of services that can support with Benefits and Allowances, Carers Support and Grants, Disability Aids and Equipment.

Doncaster Parents Voice (DPV)

DPV service is available to support parents socially and emotionally. The service operates face to face, by telephone, email and via Facebook. DPV will be holding 1:1 chats with their current families but this service is also available to any new families. They will be holding emotional wellbeing telephone sessions. Times and dates will vary so please check the DPV website for further information or join them via their Facebook page

Navigate - Emotional Support for Parents 

Navigate is a national mentoring service, that provides online emotional support for parents and carers of disabled children who are finding out about their child’s additional needs. The programme will provide access of up to 6 sessions with a personal adviser, who will help you to talk about your feelings and concerns.

Website: Navigate
Phone: 0808 801 0510
Email: navigate@scope.org.uk 

National Autistic Society 

The National Autistic Society have information and advice about a whole range of topics. They also have an online community where autistic people and their families can meet other families who are sharing similar experiences. 

Website: National Autistic Society

The Autism Education Trust run by the National Autistic Society help children and young people with autism to receive education, enabling them to reach their potential. 

Website: Autism Education Trust

Tourettes Action 

Tourettes Action offer support for people with Tourette Syndrome to access a range of services from healthcare services, statutory benefits and school provision; through to Tourettes Action services - peer support, information resources, ID cards and grants.

They are also running online support groups for parents, adults and teenagers. 

Website: Tourettes Action

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation 

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation are a charity for people with severe learning disabilities who have behaviour challenges. The have a range of different information and support, peer support and are able to speak with you directly. 

Website: Challenging Behaviour Foundation
Email: support@thecgf.org.uk 
Phone: 0300 666 0126 

Yorkshire Dyslexia Network

The Yorkshire have 11 learning centers across the UK, for more information and to know how they can offer support contact the service. 

Website: Yorkshire Dyslexia Network
Email: yorkshire@ndnetwork.org 


Voiceability offer a range of advocacy services as well as involvement and participation services. These include Peer Mentors, Experts by Experience, Quality Checkers and Speak Out Leaders working to get your views heard and rights respected.

Website: Voiceability
Email: helpline@voiceability.org 
Phone: 0300 303 1660


Contact - Information for Families with Disabled Children

Contact is the national charity for families with disabled children. The website contains lots of useful information and they also offer a free telephone advice service which provides direct advice and support to parents and carers. 

Website: Contact
Freephone: 0808 808 3555

Independent Parent Special Education Advice (IPSEA) - The Law and Families Rights 

IPSEA offers independent legally based advice, support and training to help get the right education for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Wesbite: IPSEA 

Council for Disabled Children - Information for Families with Disabled Children

Council for Disabled Children are the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector, bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy makers. You can find a range of resources to support you and your child on their website, including parent guides and leaflets, and information on other services who offer information, advice and support.

Website: Council for Disabled Children

Cerebra - Support for Children with Brain Conditions 

Cerebra is a charity for children with brain conditions. Their website contains lots of useful information, including handy parent guides on a range of topics to support you and your child.

Website: Cerebra

Good School Guide - Help Choosing Schools 

The Good Schools Guide is a helpful guide to help you choose the best school for your child.

Website: Good Schools Guide



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Last updated: 23 May 2023 13:24:44

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