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Looked After Children Reviews
Looked after children reviews are statutory meetings chaired by an Independent Reviewing Officer - sometimes called an IRO - for children who are looked after. The child, their family and any professionals involved with the child meet to discuss the care plan.
In the review we will talk about what everyone can do to make sure this child is safe, well and happy. We are all working towards them having a long-term, stable place to live and will discuss if anything more needs to be done and who needs to take action.
Review meetings include discussions around:
- Contact with family and friends
- Education
- Health
- How they spend time doing things they enjoy
- Emotions and behaviours
- Identity and cultural needs
For teenagers, we will talk about how they can become more independent and what career, education or training plans they might consider. The first review must be held within four weeks after a child or young person becomes looked after and the second review within three months.
After this all other reviews must take place within every six months.
Parents have an important part in any Child in Care review. In the review we will talk about what everyone can do to make sure a child is safe, well and happy.
You can request to meet with or speak to your Independent Reviewing Officer prior to the meeting. Alternatively, you could ask to meet with them after the Review if you are unable to attend the arranged meeting. Speak to your social worker who will be able to help you arrange this for you.
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