Education and Skills Strategy 2030

View or download Doncaster's 'Education and Skills Strategy - Executive Summary' document

The Education & Skills 2030 Strategy is the Team Doncaster partnership strategy for lifelong learning. It sets out a vision for the future, five priority areas for action, a set of delivery principles, and a transformational blueprint called the Talent and Innovation Ecosystem.

You can view the FULL Education and Skills Strategy 2030 document below:

Educational and Skills Strategy 2030 Document
Download (5.54MB - PDF)

Alternatively, you can view the executive summary version of the strategy below:

Education and Skills Strategy - Executive Summary Document
Download (1.62MB - PDF)

This Strategy is focused towards a 10-year vision:
‘Equitable and inclusive lifelong learning that empowers people to fulfil their aspirations and thrive in life and work’.


To achieve this vision, the Strategy commits to five priority areas of focus. Four of these are life-stage priorities (1-4), and one is across-cutting (all-age) priority (5):

  • Priority 1: Best Start
  • Priority 2: Accelerating Achievement
  • Priority 3: A New Model of Post-16 Education
  • Priority 4: New Skills and Pathways to Fulfilling Life and Work
  • Priority 5: Equitable and Inclusive Lifelong Learning

At the end of each priority section of the strategy, a number of aims, key areas for action and key measures for success have been listed in boxes to illustrate how we can achieve the aims.


Our approach to delivery is encapsulated by nine shared principles:



The final section of the strategy is called ‘Working Better Together – Our Approach to System Transformation’. It makes the case for developing a whole-system approach to transformation through establishing an effective Talent & Innovation Ecosystem (TIE). The TIE is the major transformative element of the 2030 Strategy, and is the key driving force behind our five strategic priorities.

Developed together with a Senior Advisor from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the TIE model reflects international thinking and best practice: adopting a whole-systems approach to developing an education system that is deeply rooted in the place; demand-led by the needs of key existing and emerging business sectors. At the core of the ecosystem stands a powerful double helix: talent development entwined with business innovation, through the power of problem-based learning. Orchestrated by a local strategic partnership, new and different lifelong learning opportunities, assessment, and accreditation will be arranged coherently across a range of learning settings, for people of all ages and backgrounds. 

Last updated: 22 December 2022 11:14:26

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