International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Academy Toolkit
The academy conversion processes are coordinated by the Learning Provision Organisation as one of their key priorities.
This toolkit has been produced to support Governors and Schools in considering the implications of academy status. Further information on the academy conversion process is available on the Department for Education's website.
For more information contact the Learning Provision Organisation on or 01302 735283.
Academy Conversion Process
Learning Provision Organisation
Statement for Local Authority: Indication of partnership arrangements, consultation undertaken and any name change/Trust Name.
Contact: Learning Provision Organisation on or 01302 735283.
- Academy Toolkit - Guidance for Schools - March 2021
- Download (749KB - PDF)
- Learning Provision Organisation Information
- Download (104KB)
Human Resources
A HR representative will contact you directly. A meeting will be arranged with you to go through the process in more detail.
Contact: Human Resources on 01302 737940
Legal - Commercial Transfer Agreement (CTA)
Model from the DfE, deals with the transfer of staff, pensions, assets and contracts.
Contacts: Your Solicitor
Legal and Democratic Services on 01302 862456
- Commercial Transfer Agreement (CTA)
- Download (196KB)
Legal - Property
The land and property will be let on a 125 year lease at a peppercorn rent based on a DfE standard.
The Academy will be responsible for all repairs and for insurance. Under the terms of the lease Council need to be notified of the insurance policy or confirmation that the Academy is part of the Risk Protection Arrangement which will satisfy the terms of the lease (as set out in the Insurance letter)
No structural additions or alterations are allowed under the lease without the previous consent of the Council.
The solicitors will liaise direct with regards to the lease.
Contacts: Your Solicitor
Legal and Democratic Services on 01302 734628
- Insurance Letter to Tenant
- Download (55KB)
To arrange conversion of FMS system to academy, general support for FMS close down.
Agree maintained school closing balance.
Prior to conversion contact School Support Officer (if applicable) 01302 737182
School closing balance: 01302 737165
Internal Audit work can be undertaken in several ways to suit your requirements and budget, and can be flexible to your individual needs. Individual service offer costs are as shown in the Buy Doncaster Traded Services brochure and we are happy to discuss individual requirements with schools. One service that may of specific interest would be our pre-acadamisation health check that we can carry out for schools prior to conversion.
Internal Audit Manager: 01302 862938
Principal Internal Auditor: 01302 862937
Guidance on Building Works
Information regarding alterations to the building during the period of the lease.
Contact: Assets & Property on 01302 862561
- Download (83KB)
Helpful Links and Documents
Public Sector Equalities Duties (PSED)
Legal requirements as a school, as set out in the Equality Act 2010. (Link will open a new window to the Government website)
Contact: Learning Provision Organisation on or 01302 735283.
Doncaster Data Sharing Agreement
Issued annually via electronic link
Contact: Commissioning and Performance on
- Data Sharing Agreement v3 2016
- Download (1.52MB)
Buy Doncaster and SLA Guide
A detailed guide of the services available from Doncaster Council.
Contact: As Listed
Early Help Strategy
This strategy builds on the good work to date and sets out how Team Doncaster will ensure that there is a consistent, high quality, early help response for children, young people and families.
Contact: Referral and Response on 01302 737777
Downloads & Resources
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