International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Auckley Neighbourhood Development Plan - Made
Auckley Parish Council Neighbourhood Development Plan
The area covered by the Auckley Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed on the Neighbourhood Plans Interactive Map.
Auckley Parish Council have a dedicated Neighbourhood Plan webpage.
Auckley Neighbourhood Plan - Adopted (made)
Following a successful referendum on Thursday 20 April 2023, Auckley Neighbourhood Plan was Adopted 'Made' by Full Council on Friday 19 May 2023 and as such now forms part of Doncaster's Development Plan.
- Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Adopted Version
- Download (8.43MB - PDF)
Auckley Neighbourhood Plan referendum
A Referendum relating to the adoption of the Auckley Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 20 April 2023.
For more information, including details of the referendum, the referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan, and associated documents, please visit:
Auckley Neighbourhood Planning Referendum - City of Doncaster Council
Regulation 16 Consultation – Auckley Neighbourhood Plan
The Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 consultation closed on Monday 26 September 2022.
It is the responsibility of Doncaster Council to collate all the representations made and pass these on to the independent examiner, who will examine the plan documents and assess whether the plan is in line with legislation and can therefore proceed to a referendum.
If you would like to be included to be notified of the Local Planning Authority's decision under regulation 19 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 on the plan proposal (whether to make or to refuse to make the Neighbourhood Development Plan) please contact
The Auckley Neighbourhood Development Plan Regulation 16 responses and other submitted associated documents can be viewed below:
- Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Response - Doncaster Council
- Download (550KB - PDF)
- Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Response - Coal Authority
- Download (236KB - PDF)
- Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Response - Historic England
- Download (15KB - PDF)
- Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Response - National Highways
- Download (254KB - PDF)
- Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Response - Natural England
- Download (54KB - PDF)
- Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Response - Spawforths on behalf of Hadrian Residential Ltd
- Download (488KB - PDF)
Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Examination
Documents related to the Auckley Neighbourhood Plan examination are below:
- Examiner's Questions and Responses
- Download (381KB - PDF)
Regulation 16 Publication of Auckley Neighbourhood Development Plan - now closed
Following the completion of Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation and publicity on their Neighbourhood Plan, Auckley Parish Council have submitted the following documents to the Local Planning Authority, for examination under Part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended):
- Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
- Download (9.33MB - PDF)
- Auckley Basic Conditions Statement Revised
- Download (1.3MB - PDF)
- Consultation Statement Revised
- Download (1.87MB - PDF)
Screening Opinion
Auckley Parish Council submitted a screening request to the Local Planning Authority to establish whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was required. The screening opinion and responses received from the statutory bodies to date confirm that an SEA is not required.
- SEA screening Response - DMBC
- Download (428KB - PDF)
- SEA Screening Response - Environment Agency
- Download (109KB - PDF)
- SEA Screening Response - Historic England
- Download (24KB - PDF)
- SEA Screening Response - Natural England
- Download (114KB - PDF)
Habitat Regulation Assessment
To comply with the basic conditions, the Council also undertook a Habitat Regulation Assessment, and consulted with Natural England. The HRA confirms no policies in Auckley Neighbourhood Plan are likely to have a significant effect on a European Site. No further work with respect to Habitat Regulations is therefore recommended. The report and Natural England’s response can be found below.
- Auckley Habitat Regulations Assessment
- Download (935KB - PDF)
- HRA Response - Natural England
- Download (114KB - PDF)
Auckley Neighbourhood Plan Update - Regulation 14 (Pre-Submission Consultation and Publicity) - now closed
Auckley Parish Council published their draft Neighbourhood Plan for consultation which ran from 28 June 2021 until 28 August 2021.
The relevant documents are available to view on the Neighbourhood Plan / Parish Council websites.
This, once made, will inform future planning decisions and help the local community have a greater say in local planning issues.
All responses had to be submitted to the Parish Council in writing.
Call for Land from within the Parish
Auckley Parish Council are in the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan. As part of the process, they issued a public Call for Land from within the Parish.
Accordingly, if you own land within the Auckley Parish Boundary, you were invited to submit a site or sites for consideration for residential, economic, retail or recreational development. Sites could include 'infill' or 'brownfield sites' and there was no minimum size for any site. All applications will be considered.
The deadline for receiving sites was 28 September 2018.
Designation of the Neighbourhood Area for the Auckley Neighbourhood Plan – 11 June 2018
As required by Part 2, Regulation 5A (2) of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the Auckley Neighbourhood Plan area has been designated and covers the whole of the parish of Auckley.
Designation means that the parish council has approval to progress a plan for the designated area and no other parish/town council or Neighbourhood Forum can complete a Neighbourhood Plan for the area.
Application for the designation of the Neighbourhood Area for the Auckley Neighbourhood Plan
An application has been received from Auckley Parish Council for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area. In accordance with Part 2, Regulation 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the Parish Council have submitted:
- a map which identifies the area to which the area application relates;
- a statement explaining why this area is considered appropriate to be designated as a neighbourhood area; and
- a statement that the organisation or body making the area application is a relevant body for the purposes of section 61G of the 1990 Act.
- Auckley Parish Boundary Map
- Download (678KB - PDF)
- Auckley Parish Council Designation Application
- Download (1.02MB - PDF)
Downloads & Resources
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