Doncaster’s Health and Wellbeing Board

The board aims to improve the health and wellbeing for the residents of Doncaster and reduce inequalities in health outcomes.

The Health and Social Care Act gives specific functions to the Health and Wellbeing Board including:

  • leading on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
  • leading on the development and delivery of the priorities in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS)

What does the Health and Wellbeing Board do?

The board:

  • commissions and approves the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
  • commissions and approves the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • approves and oversees of the Better Care Fund
  • sets the health and social care commissioning framework
  • is the focal point for health and wellbeing decision making
  • drives collaboration, integration and joint commissioning


  • view the dates of meetings in the Council Diary
  • agendas and minutes are available on the Health and Wellbeing Board website
  • all meetings are held at The Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster

For enquiries about the agenda papers or attending meetings of the Health and Wellbeing Board, please contact the Democratic Services Team, Floor 2, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU. 

Email:  Tel: 01302 736709.

What is the board doing now?

Current priorities:

  • Developing an outcome framework to aid delivery of the Health and Wellbeing strategy

  • Reviewing the 2017 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

  • Promoting integration and joined up commissioning across NHS, social care and public health though Accountable Care.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Doncaster HWB Strategy 2016-21
Download (877KB)

The summary and easy read versions of the strategy will be available in due course.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

View the JSNA on the Team Doncaster Website.

Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report 2022/23

This Health and Wellbeing Board report highlights the work of the board during the last 12 months. The report provides a snapshot of the ongoing work across some of the partner organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of the Doncaster population. The key focus going forward will be to build on the foundations from this year and to address the health inequalities and priorities exemplified from the pandemic and to ensure that the work plan for the next year for the Health and Wellbeing  board reflects real needs and addresses those gaps.

HaWB Annual Report 2023 V3
Download (3.66MB - PDF)

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

Doncaster Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-2025finaldraftOct2022
Download (3.18MB - PDF)

The board has a statutory responsibility to assess the needs for pharmaceutical services in Doncaster, referred to as a Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA).

The PNA is used to make decisions on the services provided by local community pharmacies and is also relevant when deciding if new pharmacies are required.  This is especially important as commissioning decisions and new pharmacy openings can be subject to legal challenge if they are not handled properly.

The PNA will inform the services commissioned by the local authority (Public Health), NHS England and NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group (DCCG).  

PNA Supplementary Statement updated 19072024-1
Download (56KB - XLSX)
Signed Disposal Letter
Download (130KB)
Hayfield Green
Download (78KB)

Doncaster Place Plan 

In order to transform our services to the degree required to achieve excellent and sustainable services in the future, key leaders from across health and social care in Doncaster have come together to develop the Doncaster Place Plan.  The Doncaster Place Plan describes the joint focus over the next five years, building upon the existing body of work and local plans already in place.

Joint Commissioning Management Board

In April 2018 NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the Cabinet of Doncaster Council established a Joint Commissioning Management Board. This Board will play a vital role in the identification, development, implementation and oversight of joint commissioning arrangements between the NHS Doncaster CCG and the council that are central to success of the Doncaster Place Plan. 

For further information visit Joint Commissioning Management Board 

Health and Wellbeing Peer Challenge

In 2013, at the invitation of the council, a Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Challenge team visited the council as part of the LGA’s Health and Wellbeing system improvement programme.  

The LGA’s feedback letter provides a summary of the team’s findings:

LGA feedback letter
Download (374KB)

For further information, please contact us: 

Last updated: 19 July 2024 09:26:01

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