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Financial Assessments for Care and Support
If you, or someone on your behalf, apply for care and support from the council, we will offer you a financial assessment to check whether you are eligible for any financial help from the council towards the costs of your social care and support.
The financial assessment uses the legislation and guidance produced by the Department of Health for this purpose.
If you take up the offer of a financial assessment, we will need to know about your income including things such as pensions and any other state benefits you claim, savings, investments, land and property. We will also offer you a welfare benefits check to make sure you are receiving all the benefits you are able to apply for.
If you do not want a financial assessment it will be assumed that you are able to pay for your care in full and you will not receive any financial help towards your care fees.
After your financial assessment is completed, we will let you know how much (if any) financial assistance you are eligible for and how much of your own money you will need to contribute, towards the cost of your care.
We have listed some of our most frequently asked questions below, but you can also find further information on the attached guides.
Frequently-Asked Questions
Who pays for my care?
How does a financial assessment work?
- your current income – this includes any earnings, state pension, works pension and any benefits you receive
- your ‘assets’ – this includes things such as savings, investments, land and property
Are there different types of financial assessment?
How do you work out how much financial help I may be able to have?
Any capital assets you have up to £14,250 will not be taken into account in your financial assessment. If you have capital between £14,250 and £23,250 we have to include a set weekly amount as part of your income when we are looking at whether you qualify for any financial assistance from the Council towards your care and support. This is called tariff income. Tariff income is set at £1 per week for every £250, or part of £250 that you have over £14,250. For example, if you have capital of £15,000, we include £3 a week tariff income.
What is a ‘self-funder’?
What is a ‘Deferred Payments Agreement’?
If you are eligible for a Deferred Payment Agreement, Doncaster Council will help to pay your care home fees on your behalf. Repayment of care fees can then be delayed until your property is sold or until after your death. More information can be found in our ‘Guide to Deferred Payment Agreement’.
When will I receive my first bill?
What should I do if my financial circumstances change?
What happens when I receive a new financial assessment?
How do I ask for a Financial Assessment
Further information
For more information about Financial Assessments for Care and Support, contact Finance Assessment Team:
Telephone: 01302 735336
Write to us
Doncaster Council
Financial Assessment Team
Civic Office, Waterdale
Doncaster, DN1 3BU
In person
Civic Office Customer Service Centre, Waterdale
Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
8:30am – 5:00pm
Downloads & Resources
- Financial Assessments Fact Sheet 6-8-2024
- Download (84KB - DOCX)
- Charging policy 2020 Final
- Download (943KB - DOC)
- Deferred Payments Policy
- Download (89KB - PDF)
- Self funders guide
- Download (148KB - PDF)
- Self funder fact sheet 24-25
- Download (59KB - DOCX)
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