Alternative Dispute Resolution - Schedule 6 Report 2020-21

Annual report under regulation 11 of The Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015. Information which an ADR entity must communicate to the relevant competent authority every two years

Schedule 6 Report 2020-21

Report for the two years ending 30th June 2021

(a) the number of disputes received by the ADR entity and the types of complaints to which the disputes relate;

No. enquiries received (domestic) - 85
No. enquiries received (cross-border) - 0
No. disputes received (domestic) - 85
No. disputes received (cross-border) - 0
No. disputes accepted (domestic) - 79
No. disputes accepted (cross-border) - 0

Types of disputes:
Faulty Consumer Goods
Failure to return Deposit
Poor Workmanship

(b) the percentage share of alternative dispute resolution procedures which were discontinued before an outcome was reached;

Rejected for operational reasons - 0
a) the consumer has not attempted to contact the trader first - 1 or 1.2%
b) the dispute was frivolous or vexatious - 1 or 1.2%
c) the dispute had been previously considered by another ADR body or the court - 0
d) the value fell below the monetary value - 0
e) the consumer did not submit the disputes within the time period specified - 0
f) dealing with the dispute would have impaired the operation of the ADR body - 0
Case withdrawn by consumer - 33 or 41.7%
Case withdrawn by trader - 4 or 5%
Solution reached without ADR - 0
The trader was not a member of the ADR scheme (if this is a requirement) - N/a

(c) the average time taken to resolve the disputes which the ADR entity has received;

Average time taken to resolve disputes (from receipt of complaint) - 54.5 (domestic)
Average time taken to resolve disputes (from ‘complete complaint file’) - 36.4 (domestic)
Total average time taken to resolve disputes - 54.5

(d) the rate of compliance, if known, with the outcomes of its alternative dispute resolution procedures;


(e) any recommendations the ADR entity may have as to how any systematic or significant problems that occur frequently and lead to disputes between consumers and traders could be avoided or resolved in future;

(f) this point has been removed in amendments on 1 January 2021

(g) where the ADR entity provided training to its ADR officials, details of the training it provides;

Due to Covid19 restrictions no training has been carried out during this period

(h) an assessment the effectiveness of an alternative dispute resolution procedure offered by the ADR entity and of possible ways of improving its performance;

The biggest factor which has an impact on the effectiveness is the fact that ADR is not mandatory. Where traders engage we have a high resolution rate, shown by the fact only 4 cases were referred to stage 2 during this period

Last updated: 22 May 2024 08:32:54

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