Your Care and Support : Doncaster 2023 - Adults, Health and Wellbeing Local Account

Our vision is for every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look out for one another, doing things that matter to them.

Our Adults, Health and Wellbeing Making it Real Board have worked together to coproduce our local account report, which we’ve called Your Care and Support: Doncaster 2023

The report shines a spotlight on great things going on in Doncaster that we’re proud of and we want to celebrate.

It includes data to show how we’re doing, and how we compare nationally with other councils in England, and locally with the three other councils in South Yorkshire.

There are also lots of quotes and stories from Doncaster people who have shared their experiences.

“The report focuses on the things that matter to the residents of Doncaster. It’s based on real people, real experiences. It includes things we want to celebrate, and things we know we need to do more work on. We’re not looking through rose-tinted glasses. We know things aren’t perfect. So this is about getting down to the nitty gritty of what’s going on and agreeing what we need to focus on next year.” – Glyn Butcher, co-chair, Making it Real Board

The Making it Real Board members have decided our priorities, and ten key actions for 2023.

Our number one action is to increase opportunities for local people with lived experience of care and support to influence Adult Social Care in Doncaster, from improving our services to recruiting the right people.

This is your chance to get involved and help shape care and support across our City. 

Read Your Care and Support : Doncaster 2023 - Adults, Health and Wellbeing local account

Your Care and Support Doncaster 2023
Download (15MB - PDF)

Watch and listen to Glyn Butcher, peer ambassador and co-chair of the Making it Real Board, introduce the report

Watch and listen to Phil Holmes, Director of Adults, Health and Wellbeing and co-chair of the Making it Real Board, introduce the report

Watch and listen to Making it Real Board members Zac and Glyn talk about the value of lived experience

Our ten key actions for 2023

  1. Increase opportunities for local people with lived experience of care and support to influence Doncaster’s approach, from improving our services to recruiting the right people
  2. Make sure that we make public information and advice about rights (including to independent advocacy), responsibilities and sources of support routinely available
  3. Reduce bureaucracy and delays by improving local access to care and support and safeguarding, and making sure that all conversations start with what matters to people
  4. Improve local access to social work and occupational therapy that works preventatively alongside people and communities to increase their quality of life
  5. Increase the number of people who maintain or regain their independence by improving access to equipment, technology and housing support
  6. Help more people to leave hospital and mental health in-patient stays promptly, increasing the proportion of people who return home and regain independence
  7. Make support at home more accessible to people who need it by developing a more personalised and local approach that improves satisfaction and outcomes
  8. Increase the choice and control that people report when they use direct payments
  9. Create and sustain more employment opportunities for autistic people, people with a learning disability and people in contact with secondary mental health services
  10. Reduce the number of people living with restrictions on their liberty by increasing understanding of human rights and mental capacity legislation.

Get Involved

Find out how you can get involved in shaping the future of care and support in Doncaster.

Help shape the future of care and support in Doncaster


 Read the latest Local Account Report on the following page: Your Care and Support: Doncaster 2024 Adult Social Care Local Account

Last updated: 11 July 2024 12:55:54

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