Joint Health and Social Care Commissioning Strategy

This strategy has been jointly produced by Doncaster Council and NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and sets out how our collective action can achieve our vision for the future of health and social care in Doncaster.

The Vision

Care and support will be tailored to community strengths to help Doncaster residents maximise their independence, health and wellbeing. Doncaster residents will have access to excellent community and hospital based services when needed.


This strategy sets out our joint commissioning journey for the next two years to enable us to undertake the next steps to:

  • Work closely with local communities and neighbourhoods to aid and build communities, giving individuals hope and a positive vision for themselves and their families.
  • Ensure coordinated access to services when they are needed, ensuring they are accessible and matched to people’s level of need.
  • Deliver a more holistic approach to care and support ensuring all health, care and support needs of individuals and their families are considered.
  • Provide care and support for individuals when they are in crisis, making it easier to access health and care services when they need them the most.
  • Improve support for people with complex needs, when it is identified that an individual has complex needs, social, physical or mental health issues, organisations will work together and wrap care and support around them.
Last updated: 31 March 2021 11:35:10

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